But she is too old for you man =.
Sorry sweq but she is still too old for you =.
Transvestite.. AND a scitz EDIT: I didnt know what that ment so i copied it >3
Man didnt you see my post? -.- But yeah that works too! >3
Oh wait now I have 29 :3
Sorry sweq but she's too old for you bud =.
People I ment love me as a friend!! D< Oh well TTT^TTT
Not as shmexy as me =D Guys faint when they see me in a dress :3
I ment love me as a friend! Im not saying if you love looove me gowd! D<
I like now have 26! Stupid me -.-
I are Jake Ok girls can come hug me now xD Any mintue now... Forget it D<
I think its cool =/ I mean i wanna switch with my mail man... dont ask!!!
Like no way! I always thought you liked me as a friend :[
>.> <.< Scary ha O_o
This thread is no joke! I really ment this -.- Im just fooling with Xadllas >3
Im like so mad right now!!! D< Oh look a cookie! >3
Sorry but the complete randomness thread is well X_X <--- You get the picture =/
Awman! :[ Me and my stupid ideas!!! *Goes to secret Bob lair*
Nope! I'll never say it!!! Never! >3
Aw man! But the girls like the ---> :3 thing!!! Dx