Lol this is why I love the spam zone :3
Yeah but I was like "Fine Im ok with it! Bring it on! D<" I was kidding about that part haha =.
Ok then if you say so =.
Yeah but still they said no more of the n00b stuff >.>;
Well if he had told you to quote it you would have done it right? =.
She started it!!! TTT^TTT Besides I was playing around >.>; She takes things too siriously... Besides she kicked me first TTT^TTT
Hi there dude! Welcome to kh-vids dont spam post lots! (No double posting D<) And the important part! Have fun!!! D<
You started it smartalex jeesh -.-
Maybe you didnt tell her to quote it yo =.
Im telling on your sis! D< Now where is she? =.
Nah his name's Fred and I hate the name D<
Lol Im kidding D< Oh and she cant hurt me! Mwuahhahahaha!!!:p
I said dont ask!! D< But since you asked I want to do evil stuff to him D<
Guys stop with the n00b stuff god you guys might get caught -.- Dont listen to them sweq! D<
Sounds good with me Bring it on!!! D<
But still if she wasnt married she would be like "Sorry sweq but Im still too old for you =." Besides she is already married yo =.
I dont know what my problome is >.>; I think its because I was in Taco Bell too much :3
TTT^TTT Man I wish i knew how to put sigs in this thing! You know! Not like a signature! Then I would make a graphics shop and then they would all rep me!!! D< Curses -.-
I cant really blame you Hate me!! D<
Do you like me as a friend?! Read this!! D<