DMC4 > DMC3 > DMC1 > DMC2 ^ overall.. i dunno if you was gonna inclue 4, but i reckon three was pretty good for news swords and stuff, but i like 4 better coz the storyline is new to me (H) I didnt like playing as Vergil though coz his shooting were just like purple knives o.o i prefer capping fools with Ebony & Ivory lol
8/10 I quite like it. Hooray.
I can sort of understand your frustration, but punching the wall and stuff doesn't help =[ Eat bananas, they are the natural anti-stress thing :D or so i've heard.. like the Managanese and Potassium lowers your body's levels of stuff :( Anyway, hope things are better for you <3
When is it out in England? Late February? Either way, its funny that I got so interested in the game when my Nan won the first DMC at my old primary school on some stool thing :P Since then ive played all 3 extensively
:O I never expected somebody to know what I was talking about It's good to see that other people know what i mean though. I hate that feeling. I recently finished the 'His Dark Materials' Trilogy by Philip Pullman (Northern Lights/Golden Compass, Subtle Knife and Amber Spyglass) and completely hated the ending :'(
Have you ever had that feeling of... hard to describe... it is like 'heartache' after you end or finish something you have been doing. For example; Ages ago when i finished FF12 i felt like this heartachey feeling in the pit of my stomach and i really wanted it never to end, the game that is. :( I also get it with good books that i've read. Like i've finished it and get annoyed that it has to stop :( Anybody else feel like this after finishing something good? PS: dont laugh at my poofy feelings -.-
Devil May Cry 4 Played all the other 3 and they are <3 I downloaded the trailers for it from the Playstation Store on the PS3.. and the female characters have amazing cleavages :o Anybody who got PS3 online add me; M1ndM3lt3r
Welcome to the place were all cool kids hang out
Amazing LOL
"I'm sick of Linkin Park" They are obviously good if they always seem to win I voted LP because i'm seeing them live soon
From Yesterday - 30stm I'm seeing LP at the O² Arena on the 28th of January :D:D
I went round Bhujerba shouting your name once increasing my Notoriety or whatever it was :o Welcome
The link didn't work for the quiz, so my theme song is... 'The Bill' theme tune (h)
I love it when people call other music 'bullcrap' because its not the stuff they like. Haven't heard any of the old punk stuff you listed up there ^ And i have never heard MCR being passed off as punk, they have always been emo on sites and tv.
Sexy. All I can say for that anyway..
Hmm.. Not too much you can do with 'Sam' Xmas.. (lol) Maxs.. Masx.. Xams? :P
Dante off DMC? Meh, looks like him Quite good.
Not many odd names round my school.. "Deep Shah" << never heard of Deep as their first name.. friend of mine :P Since he is Kenya, he pronounces his name as "Dip"
I second that English school is win.. we get time off to 'revise' for practice tests l0l
Wouldn't a 'cool' bath sooth it more?