Before i read the explanation on the site i was like "Wtf they must be joking?" But tbh, they do have some good points. I wasn't too let down though, Gloria's curves were niase? Anyway, i'll sign because DMC1 was the better one and i wanted it more like that
I always thought emo's wanted attention. Thats it rly, just how i work :P Idc about Paris and all the other people rly, wouldnt care whatever she did But can we be hateful toward Cristiano Ronaldo? yes pls
"So uhh, I'm Fansara, a female, obsessed with Kingdom Hearts.." Perfect combination? Welcome :rockdover:
I want a Psyduck
Hooray! For gods sake, the 10 character limit is so annoying lol
Ftw. Never been to doncaster tbh :guns:
I'm a Londoner <3
Tried not to have any favourtism towards Axel but tbh... The Flurry of Dancing Flames is so much better than any other
Scottish accents ftw. Barry Ferguson ftw.
I reckon we would have to master teleportation to start experimenting with time travel. Dunno, just the way i would see them working toward it I heard it takes a massive amount of energy to move one molecule a few centimetres away so i doubt anything like that is possible :( Though i hopefully have another 60 years to live so maybe...? :)
The NHS are already overwhelmed in the UK with loads of patients, superbugs and the amount of drugs required which is costing a tonne. It wouldnt surprise me too much if somebody in the world had a cure and was keeping quiet, because i dont think all hospitals could cope with all the people with cancer and aids, and im sure the cure wouldnt be a simple pill, and probably a long operation or something, which would cost more and take more time Nice theory though
KH1; like three times KH2; like seven times :D
21? Ouch, Its like 18 here in England, i think it is anyway The Law has never stopped me before, just go round a friends who has a phree house and have some fun
Wth>You Linkin Park Reanimation <3
Helo :) Hope ya have fun
Favourite here :P KH2 anyway
Basically what he said ^ lol Though i used Magnega loads on the top of Pride Rock
Moogled >_>..
Lmao nice, thats pretty much how I felt. So yeah Atlantica was terrible, in both games really, quite annoying going up and down and missing enemies Completing KH2 was pretty bad too coz i was like "nooooo" :(
Better than anything i could do. My idea of art is stickmen. So therefore its rly good :P