I kinda like the Intro to Ghost In The Shell SAC, just like it :guns4:
+1 You can definitely draw, Sir.
If i keep blowing out quickly over a short time, ya sorta get light headed? When i gets Deja Vu, i just feel a lil bit light headed and funny lol
Never heard of it. But i like Simon Pegg and the other bloke.
They are both very good. But i prefer no.2 more appealing to meh :D Keep up teh cool workz:guns:
DMC 1 - 3 and i'm a Dante fanboy, but DMC4, i have to say Vergil :( Dunno why really, the whole him Kyrie thing was a nice change to his DMC3-world domination attitude. Oh and his devil arm grab thing made everything piss easy - like the plant woman boss, you just grab it, move towards it and unleash a combo :guns: Then again.. I <3 Ebony and Ivory.. and Dante is just so much more smoother and funnier. :( tis a hard decision :P Reckon they will do a DMC5?
I keep getting tonnes of them adverts from people. One asked me to become a Bhuddist :\
GunZ is wank after 10 lvls tbh. I still pley skep, 131 >
Nice work. I knew they musta done around 150 over the years, but 250 blew my estimate lol. Seem 'em live ftw?? :guns:
Hello 2 u Have fun
Mythic Dawn.. -.- From Oblivion.. been playing it a lot lately :P
Jinx is considered racist probably because its similarity to the 'golly wog' dolls. Shame that people take a kid game so seriously though,
FF12: Ahriman Since it was the first FF game i had played and stuff i didnt know the basics :( This ****** boss split into like 8ths and raped my party.. I musta spent 10 hours of gameplay killin Couerls or whatever they are called in the mountains before i tried again.. I tried again.. failed.. and quit FF12 for like a month! Then my friend informed me if i used Cura on them, they will do damage to it.. then i killed it and i was happeh :D Secondly, the two female bosses in Streets of Rage were a childhood piss-take for me.. lol got them in the end -.-
^ In the bud. I quite liked it, but thats probably coz its the first Final Fantasy i've ever played.. Bit harsh the way you put the review though. Viera's werent too bad either
Got nothing against Christianity but i think it makes more sense being Buddhist I might be wrong but i thought Buddhism was more "Respect yourself and you environment". and i think christianity is sort of worshipping somebody who (in my eyes) does not exist. But yeah... religion is always a sticky subject
Nice tree :guns:
Dunno if it was my PC or something but it was quite faintly drawn and hard to make it out. I think its good but Nero looks a bit different. His hair is more fluffy.. sounds really weird but it does (honest) and his chin is a bit less pointy :) Overall i think its good though
Lol :P The title of the topic is Grammer and i laughed irl :D
3:20 pm God damn 10 chracter limit lol
Dunno, i'd watch it anyway. I'd rather them do a FF12 movie, thought FF12 isnt as popular or well known as any of the others. Still, in KH and FFs, the cutscenes are sometimes the best bits, Fran <3