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  1. Saxisai
    so for the riku code, is that two separate codes or do you put it into one code?

    nevermind i found out on my own, but how come after a while of playing Riku T-stances? (like after 5 mins of playing he stances)
    Post by: Saxisai, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Saxisai
    and im gonna take a guess that its hard to do all that and if anyone would be kind enough to do it, it would take a while, but anyway, im just trying some random code combinations now, (like messing around with the UCM trying to be make myself cloaked riku, even though i know its not going to work [correction, its not working]) well WILL anyone be kind enough to make this code for me?
    Post by: Saxisai, Nov 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Saxisai
    well actually i was talking about Kingdom Hearts II, not final mix, but the reason why i asked was because i saw in an earlier post that someone asked the question and said that there was one (not for final mix), but anyway, do you think there is a way to play as Cloaked Riku then?
    Post by: Saxisai, Nov 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Saxisai
    hey, idk if this has been answered or not but, is there a way to play as Roxas in his Org. cloak? can someone try to answer this for me...
    Post by: Saxisai, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault