oh, but, if you dont put it in, what goes in there? :P, that was sorta part of the main question (thanks for the help btw :P) EDIT: or is it like whichever value you put in it rotates it a certain ammount?
v the last line v Code: Warrior Sora 11C95618 00000057 01CB9817 00000000 21CB9818 00000000 01CB985F 00000009 21CEFF38 00303330 21CEFF3C 00000000 21CEFF40 00000000 1033FEC0 000001F3 10340B74 0000002A 11CEF110 0000056E [B]21C?BDEC 005300B2[/B]
Warrior Sora 11C95618 00000057 01CB9817 00000000 21CB9818 00000000 01CB985F 00000009 21CEFF38 00303330 21CEFF3C 00000000 21CEFF40 00000000 1033FEC0 000001F3 10340B74 0000002A 11CEF110 0000056E [B]21C?BDEC 005300B2[/B]
dude, he asked for Infinite HP, not MP, which i cannot seem to find either....
quick question, i know this has probably been answered before, but i cannot seem to find it, in the Warrior Sora code on the front page, what goes in the "?" ?
-_- thats it? :P ur not gonna get banned for that XD
Thanks Janime6, I searched the front page and it wasnt there... EDIT: Is the HUD supposed to disappear all together? i thought it was only supposed to disappear when you turned the code on...
has the Movie Mode code been ported? if not, can somebody port it?
lol ok then, what did u say to him?
lol anyway, thanks for the add, and i actually wouldnt have saw what you wrote, you should respond on my visitor messages instead of your own, ok?
dude, what part of "your gonna get banned if you make more threads like this" dont you understand? :P, jk jk, but seriously, whats up?
no problem man, and well, i knew that, it was actually one of the first things i tried, i mean, in the Dark Knight code, what part actually changes the model, because it cant just change on its own now can it? exactly :P
ok, well sorry, and anyway, yes, i did get 2 answers, but i also asked another question "how do I change the model"
can someone please answer my previous question?
have you tried the longer version?
sure, why not :P
you mean like a code that makes enemies not target you? well, not target anything? (unless they are targeting your allies...)
ok, then how do you change the model? EDIT: i converted the code for you for AR Max Code: CWMG-CM0F-6XPKC 8N04-VT1Z-XRE8M XV7B-RW58-5VJQV 2A10-0VJ7-DH6WK 6DY9-28C2-88FQ9 RAHE-GX2M-3WG9B and do you mean like having 2 Sora's that you can control? if so you would want to use the Code: 3/4 Sora Fix 1NET-GZ8P-GJ1BU 8HZ0-FE6Q-KT6JE with Sora replaces Donald TCD4-WWAM-31PZ9 N7JN-2T42-0JN56
3/4 Sora Fix 1NET-GZ8P-GJ1BU 8HZ0-FE6Q-KT6JE with Sora replaces Donald TCD4-WWAM-31PZ9 N7JN-2T42-0JN56
ok, I wanna create my own warrior form based off of Slip's Dark Knight (cause thats the easiest one ive seen so far) Ive figured out how to mod the weapon and shield, but what does this part of the code do? 21cb9818 464c5448 21ceff38 00303330 21ceff3c 00000000 11ceff40 00000000 1033fec0 000001ee - Sleeping Lion (Keyblade) 10340b74 00000029 - Kingdom Key (Modifier) 11cef10c 0000056e - Nobody Guard (Shield) i know part of it somehow obviously changes the form
thanks, i actually just found this on The KH Coding Forums after I posted this and didnt get the chance to edit my post
oh god, i know a few people are gonna hate me for asking this but...where is the play as ven code? (i used the search box so before anyone starts flaming me about using the search box, i used it)