eh, it was alright, but KH would have been completely different if he didnt change it...first off, no keyholes, seeing as its a chainsaw, so that might also take out the heartless, the heart of the worlds, and other random stuff as we know it
nevermind, i looked at the code and realized I wasn't driving, but playing as Valor looking like Anti-HT. So i tried testing it and it doesnt work with other codes on, so what i would recommend is to take the "Play As" part off and just have them drive into Valor. (Plus, you cant drive into anything else after you activate your code, you cant even revert). Other than that, its a good, simple form
welcome to KH-Vids
whats it like? (dont really have time to test right now) and what am I driving into?
well idk how he would have known about that before she said anything, because all i said was wrong was that you cant shoot :P what do you mean? what did it do? Because the set of lances is a the last line of the DW code didnt work anyway, so they wouldn't have done damage either way...
that's just the way it is, if someone can do something about that, help me out :P, but i'm pretty sure its just gonna stay like that
:P u should check out my new code My New Code
what code, my code?
which is why i said that only those worked, the EASY ones :P
haha, ok then, go ahead
sure, as long as you give credit, but which one?
ive tried a couple and none of them worked either, well, only the effect mods that enlarge them or "add color"
yea, thats what i was thinking, but oh well, its alright, but hey, i forget, is there a code to give one form another forms effects?
Ive done it! the code is complete and working (somewhat) Spoiler Code: [B]Dark Necromancer - Drive Into Wisdom (Press R2)[/B] E011FDFF 0035B55C 51CEFF50 00000040 01CEFED0 00000000 01CB97FF 00000004 51CB98D0 00000020 01CB97B0 00000000 21CEF10C 00000845 10340B9c 00000029 2037EB1C 00002110 20368920 3FA00000 2037CE9C 40000000 2037AE80 3F800000 There are some bugs still, like you MUST HAVE but CANNOT DRIVE into Final Form, and he still cannot shoot the "Magic Bullets". Other than that, its perfect.
[B]Dark Necromancer - Drive Into Wisdom (Press R2)[/B] E011FDFF 0035B55C 51CEFF50 00000040 01CEFED0 00000000 01CB97FF 00000004 51CB98D0 00000020 01CB97B0 00000000 21CEF10C 00000845 10340B9c 00000029 2037EB1C 00002110 20368920 3FA00000 2037CE9C 40000000 2037AE80 3F800000
lol thanks, i tried it and it froze the game on me, so i guess the hunt goes on... EDIT: Nevermind, i took off the last line, which enables dual weilding, and it worked, but the second keyblade is now a dummy, but i was going to replace it with a dummy anyway, so its all good :P EDIT 2: so I'm working on my code again and heres what I have come up with: Spoiler Code: [B]Dark Necromancer[/B] E006FDFF 0035B55C < Joker - R2 51CEFF50 00000040 < Dual Wielding Wisdom 01CEFED0 00000000 01CB97FF 00000004 21CB97B4 5F303031 < Wisdom Model Mod - into Anti 21CB97B8 58455F50 2037EB1C 3F000000 < More Effects - which i cant really tell I took out the Xaldin's Lances part because i cant seem to get it to work, so if anyone could help me, that would be great, but also, when he attacks, he will do damage but he doesnt fire magic anymore, he just does the motions...any help will be apreciated
[B]Dark Necromancer[/B] E006FDFF 0035B55C < Joker - R2 51CEFF50 00000040 < Dual Wielding Wisdom 01CEFED0 00000000 01CB97FF 00000004 21CB97B4 5F303031 < Wisdom Model Mod - into Anti 21CB97B8 58455F50 2037EB1C 3F000000 < More Effects - which i cant really tell
yea, he just talked to me again, well anyway if you wanna see another sprite of mine, look in my album, it will show you Saxisai
ok, yourself?
yea, if you look below, (on my page), youll see that hes talked to me before :P
OH! the Xemik picture, yea, lol, i make sprites for sprite comics
? which one ? (thanks btw :P)