or that xp What I need is a job to keep myself busy
I'm good I got a hair cut xD
...Coke =D
KH2 All The Way
Yeah makes you realize you need more of a life
I'm alright and you? Gosh today is boring lol xD
too bad, I went to the library today...boring...weekends are boring when you have nothing to do =/
I'm sure you are every body is awesome in one way or another xp
...Cool =D
Do you mind if I add you as a friend? You must be awesome if you like the best yaoi pair ever xp
I'm alright you? Would you mind if I added you as a friend?
Yes probably so...hows life?
Gravitation! awesomeness!!!!!!! Hi =D
My day was pretty average like any other day really lol
oh okay xp
Yeah sure! =3
oh lol I thought you were like in 10th or 11th cause I saw your age xp im in college so yeah high school must be fun for you hahaha
School sucks lol xD What grade you in?
I'm pretty good thanks =3 How was your day? random question I know
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