i wish it was coming out in august rather then september but still cant wait to buy this game though i prefer their japanese voices better
welcome back and ..clouds? lol well it seems like you had lots of fun
have fun at the beach! tell me about anything crazy you did x3
suppose so wouldnt mind working in a book store but they never really hire there xD
I saw this a while ago thanks for posting though =3
probably work in a clothing store since i have experience in that area
oh tests suck, good luck I'm sure you'll do great! check out my fan site fallenkingdom.webs.com that was random huh? lol xD
good too hows life?
getting a job and buying a psp are my goals xD
yeha it seems like it,.....how do you do?
got any goals for the summer? xp the only question i can think of
i used to find it rather annoying not its like meh xD how about...hows life? xp
well it'll eventually grow it just takes long, wish hair could grow faster but you shouldnt grow it long unless you're good at managing long hair
huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh? @_@
so how are you today? sorry only question that came to mind such a repetitive question xD
wow my hair used to grow faster now it doesnt so..yeah I get bored with it really fast =/
oh well then good for you =3
well not that long, like past my shoulders a bit and i actually took a photo of kairi from kh2 but i knew it wouldnt come out like that..but i...
oh cool guess you're a really good swimmer then but do they hire such young people?
thats good where do you think you'll work? fast food or shoes or what?