so how was your day?
sadly no ._.
hey just wondering if you could check out my site and tell me what you think =3
you will? seriously? cuz I'll love you like forever x3
how do you do?
so anything new with you?
hello to you too
im good too thanks! *poke* randomness xp
okay...but i meant Active lol i dont need another member to join and not be active i already have 15 of those xD thats ok so how are you?
Just dance - lady gaga
because then you'll be discovered by your teacher that you fell asleep in the first place! double amount of homework *slap* or detention or a long talk xD
The movie was mediocre the books are better tho i do wish I could be an extra on a future movie if they film it in Vancouver again =3
so thats a no lol anybody who says might or maybe is usually no xp
avi 7/10 sig 6/10..
cool! hey check out my site tell me what you think you could join if you want i seriously need active members lol x3
guessing you dont want to join? darn lol i seriously need active members xD
no thanks xD
November 21st
avi 5/10 sig 7/10
cool that we know axel's name but I'd like to know the rest as in the rest that havent been said yet