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  1. Inverser361
    Thanks, man. This was better than i expected. I owe you big time!!
    Post by: Inverser361, May 26, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  2. Inverser361
    can you give me some recipes for the wind commands?
    i can't seem to find the recipe's online.

    i have faith as my finisher

    EDIT: never mind; kingdom hearts wikia came in handy, lol
    any tips on how to get zone of ruin easily?
    tried last night, and failed epically
    Post by: Inverser361, May 26, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Inverser361
    How about this?
    Post by: Inverser361, May 25, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Inverser361
    Is there any way you can combine cloud's AC suit(used in kh2) with Xemnas' final robe?
    I'm just curious.
    Post by: Inverser361, May 25, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  5. Inverser361
    Thx, man. I'll wait till you finish.
    Post by: Inverser361, May 25, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  6. Inverser361
  7. Inverser361
    I want some advice on how to get through the 13 floors in the hb system sector.
    I'm lvl 58.
    My commands are: zantetsuken[CR]LV.l\/l, judgement triad[CR]LV.l\/l, eruption[CR]LV.37, judgement triad[R]LV.1, and curaga[R]LV.30
    My current keyblade is Oathkeeper.
    Accessories: immortal charm, armor bangle, command ring, and heat sink belt
    Clock Finisher: Meteor Rain(going back to faith, Meteor Rain SUCKS!!!)

    If you can spare any help, I'd glady appreciate it.
    Thread by: Inverser361, May 15, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  8. Inverser361
    Details: can you try to meld the intro, battle stance, and combo all rolled into one?

    wanna use it as my avatar
    Post by: Inverser361, May 15, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  9. Inverser361
    Name: Bixran
    Age: 16
    Bio: Having fought ghosts all his life, Bixran was suprised when the keyblade came to him. Before, he would use a well crafted sword to vanquish the ghosts. Now, he slaughters any ghost in his path, be they big or small. When he felt a terrible darkness come over Amity Park, he had to investigate.
    Personality: He is caring at times, and always champions the ones he loves. Sometimes, though, when one of his loved ones are threatened, he will go beserk and use light and darkness as one and demolish any enemy in his path. He was a well-trained swordsman, but he felt confused when he recieved the keyblade. Having to train again, he realized the great power the keyblade held. Learning to restrain himself, he only unleashes his full power under times of great stress.
    Home World: Amity Park
    Name: Lunar Eclipse
    Description: (based on the power of the moon)
    Attack Style: Speed and Power
    Experiance: good, about equal to riku's time with the keyblade
    Special Attacks:
    1. Faith(sends out 13 beams of light that damage enemies and heals Bixran at the same time)
    2. Dark Pulse(similar to terra's dark impulse command style combo, but more resembles a dark version of Ars Arcanum)
    3. Inverse Ragnarok(similar to sora's attack in kh2:fm, but half the beams are dark, while other half is light)
    Limit Break: Inversed Bi-strike(Bixran splits himself into 2 beings, Light and Dark, and rushes the enemy in a riku-like fashion, but twice as fast, then melts both clones into the ground, then rises back up, fused together, and unleashes an epic shockwave)
    Vessel to other Worlds: His Wings(alternate vessel in emergencies:corridors of darkness)
    Post by: Inverser361, May 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Inverser361
    misty, can u tell me what the name of the kingdom hearts font is?
    if not, then can u add it?
    Post by: Inverser361, May 15, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. Inverser361
    I would like limit form, but i don't have final mix DX
    So, I'll go with master form.
    Post by: Inverser361, May 15, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  12. Inverser361
    My top 5 list is:
    1. Forze dell'oscurita(No Heart's battle theme)
    2. Vanitas Final Battle Theme
    3. Riku's Theme
    4. Roxas' Theme
    5. 13th Struggle
    Post by: Inverser361, May 15, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  13. Inverser361
  14. Inverser361

    And change the text to "Bow down to the King, Baby!"
    Post by: Inverser361, May 15, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  15. Inverser361
    if this don't work, i'll try another page
    Post by: Inverser361, May 14, 2011 in forum: Art Shop
  16. Inverser361
    I really want a sprite gif of hooded roxas in xemnas' final coat attacking in a continuous loop.
    I want to use it as my avatar, if possible.
    Thread by: Inverser361, May 14, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  17. Inverser361
  18. Inverser361
  19. Inverser361
  20. Inverser361
    Size (Default 400x120): default
    Image: something with light and darkness in deadly harmony
    Text (optional, try to keep it short): Dark and Light, UNITE!!
    Font (optional): the kingdom hearts font, if available
    Color scheme (or I can pick one): black with red outline(or just blood red)
    Border (yes/no):NO
    Post by: Inverser361, May 13, 2011 in forum: Art Shop