Then we will jsut have to barge in! Micky yelled and summoned his keyblade and slashed it 5 times cutting it to pieces awesome you'r majesty! Yuffie yelled smiled jumping up kairi nodded
Hey. Xy aid to him nice battle we had back there...We'll fight again later...Right now give me a explaniation why you need Mexan...And maybe I'll let you do it" Xy said with eas looking at them.
oh...I see...WEll me and xy are the ones you need! Megan said getting up and smiled I don't know who spilled the beans but since there out!...SMarty pants Mexan I have all A++'s in my grades! Trained under ansem Teh wise for awhile!Learned much over journys and oen of the smartest here! Hehehe...Well smartest here anyways..."Megan said smiling bigly Dark eyt smart Ty hre at you'r service typnig accuacy 130% percent, typing speed...Can't se my fingers half the time when I type!" He said and smiled alittle put his arms around Megans neck The nobodies then killed one person as a big scream was let out.
Mexan looekd up and smiled Oh no I forgive you...For with out you doing that to me...I would of never. gotten here...I've been tyring to get back here for something that holds osmehting special to me...So I thank you Ex...NOw get this over with..."Mexan said to Telren Xy walked up Don't forget me...The replica....The replica of someone xy said walking up and looked at Mexan what you guys going to do with her? xy asked them.
name:Mexan age:18 weapon:gunblade,spike blade. element:Diamondz (Diamond pricness)and 50% of skillz good/evil:Good? work for who:Diz appearance:She wears al ong sleeved shirt and pants half black and other white. name:Xy age:18 weapon:Elenmetal sita element:Betetr with water (water prince) But ok with all otehrs good/evil:Good? work for who:Diz appearance:Balck short sleeved shirt, down spiky hair, emo bit geeky glasses, scratched torn alittle jeans tight. Awesome! Oh and they where both mae my Diz Mexan to bring back his freind Megan And Xy cuase the queen of water wanted her osn back, but she didn't want a nobodoie for a son. Hehe!
Well I'am making a movie and I upload it to youtube!! But it won't allow me it says I This file is a microsoft movie maker project file. (MSWMM) please return to you'r project and move in .WMV format press ok to continue uploading. why does it say it!?!/ adn when I upload it it says failed(Not corect file )
Maybe it got sucked down to the last page or something
yeah same here Kairi girl! SPammer must die!! And mean noobs must go to the dark dimension and floati n ever lasting darkness!
And [people who steal other people art and people!!!!!!! Thank you guys for agreeing with me hehe! cherry...I liek that sig of that girl cuase I use that girl as thel ook of some of my ninja girls!
Xy looked down at the village from the gate on the top "mmm"he said Ky and Megan were having another picnic. ooc:sry been at wedding hehe!
Name-Megan Age-19 Gender-Female Personality-Happy,random,active,cuuuute! Appearance-Long sleeved shirt and pants hal blakc half white. *History-She traveled and made freinds with ansem the wise, sh told him of her travels and how she has a nobody and still able to liv here, he keeps askign ehr questions about her past but she can't remeber good. But there best of freinds *Pet-A dog named Haly Other-Princes of Diamondz Played By-MajorSeargent Name-Ky Age-20 Gender-Male Personality-Mean,Rough,Protective,nice,smart,mysteriouse,dark,geeky1 Appearance-Short black hair, emo like glasses, black short shirt, tight jean jeans. *History-He is freinds with Megan!Since they where 2, she left when she turned 18. *Pet-A wolf named Ty Other-Prince of Water Played By-MajorSeargemt
Noobs who think there the boss. Mean people! Bullys! People who make Roxas look like a girl! just get plain weird! People who spam!
HOw long is banned for...Cuase I'll take this rp over for awhile until he becomes un banned
NUUUUU! AWww! Good bye young oneWe shall miss the
ooc:mmk I'll start us off. Bic: Megan Was running down the hall to ansem's studies Ok hope I"am not to late she said running holding some books under her aerm
Correct...But it won't help beat Xy...Xy uses twiglight...Diamonds...To conjour his water balls at times...So unless she leanrs to control light too...She will be beaten...Which I don't want to happen... Mexan said getting up taking deep breathe and sat back down. Xy then started to walk up to the room they were in no emotion
We'll we landed here as well I guess!...I have too tell you that there is a nobody here My nobody Mexan! I beleive she might be summoning dusk around so try to be on the safe sside She said smiling looking aroun the big place. Where are we anyways? Ty asked handsi n his pocket
On the other side micky went for the next door Namien make a new card leading to my castle! he yelled Kairi folowed and then clapped her hand firaga! she yelled as then a big fire went around the door they came out of after ben and gwen went through there Fire spell shall envaporate sexion she said smiling Yuffie stopped to look around ...K
ooc:G2g Beo n tomorrow probably at like 3 so don't rp to much! Bic: Mexan nodded Yeah sure...She said sighing day 6 I have done it...But Mexan and Xy...I fear they will turn on me...I will send them some hwre I know they will be ok...I know cuase Silax is there. I hope...They will remember me..Megan...Mexan...Ty...Xy..Goodbye It said and then ended I"am a prince...Prince of water...I'll...I'll learn my powers...Ansem" He said getting up and walked out
I think this is suppose to be in the spam zone