Xy watched her leave That girl..A water bender...I hope...She's ok He thought and then tuned back to the cell How long you think this will take he aqsked Telren.
I agree themo vies are awesome a place!!
Hi there. ty said to Aeilta hmmm. Megan said looking at the girl with pink hair. While Mexan stopped and ran out as the Nobodies did some havoc Xy stopped changing into a black shirt and tight jeans he put on some emo glasses and put is hair down spikey and looked more like the others.
...A copy... Xy thought as he looked around But with all the powers and more o the real he thought and then looked at the girl and grinned I have to say...she is cute He said and chuckled alittle thinking it might scare and weird out the girl.
Mexan ran down stais and glomped Ky! AHH!" he yelledf as he fell on the floor as well his labtop Morning Ky-san she said siling
ooc:Yeah three Ky Megan and ?Mmexan I GTG See ya tomrows!
Real name:Mexan Age:19 Appearence:She wears a black cloak with a hood up. Class: Werewolf Powers/Abilities:Agilty,earth,fire,darkness,Can paralyze people. History:She is a old freind of Megan's and is her mortal enemy@! See>?!?!?
ooc:I was htnking of bringing Mexan(Who is Megans sister for here) A were wolf what you say?
Real name:Megan Age:19 Appearence:Just a black shirt long sleeved blue jeans,clack long hair Class: Vampire. Powers/Abilities:Vampire powers, a bit of darkness. History:She was just wlakign around with ehr big bro when a bat bit her, she soon turned into a vampire. Real name:Ky Age:20 Appearence:Black short sleeved shirt,blue jeans tight with emo glasses, hair is short spiky emo hair (Spikes down) Class: Human Powers/Abilities:Water,elements,darkness History:After his sister was bitten and turned into a vampire he is searching for her, he wishes to join her. But if someone attacks him he will kill it. PFFFT!Say Vampires and I"am here!
k thanks see it in my sig! heheh!
wooooooooohooooooooooooooo!Hello CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Megan yelled happily as the wind blew her hair as she smiled bigly yet pshycoly otu her balcony puttings her hand up Ky heard her and sighed Megan you dweeb he said silently.
Megan walked out to her balcony and stretched I love doign this sher to her self smiling she had been waking up early for tha past month seeing the sunrise. Ky was in the licing at the counter of the kitchen on a tool leg crosses on his labtop as a glare came to his glasses.
oooc:If Zexions water and if he went through the fire door then he would've evaporate!
Oh hey...If Mexan told you I was using twiglight in my water that's not me any more...After I read a book. I"ll be using more darkness now, I want people to know so they don't think that I"am so nice". He told him , he didn't like Tqiglight much now, it just seemed weak to him now that he knew what and hwo he was.
......Looks like a fairy...wher'd you find her?" Xy asked curiouse.
Xy watched leaning the wall and loked down at the girl and then looked back up closign his eyes as he though of his past trygin to rememebr anyhtring, as he pictured a boy playing with watermoving to his stances and making water balsl with it. A grin came apon his face. Mexan sat in the cell like a empty chell.
Xy looked down at the girl on the ground ......k... He said and bit weirded out that there was a girl with wings on the floor unconsiouse Wait I want Xy to stay! She said
Mexna..Xy asked her It's ok Xy...I'am ok with it... She said to him mmm...k then...If she is ok with it then I"am..." he said and leaned on the wall Did you find anyhting on it? Mexan asked him yeah...But on me...you...I'am searching..I'll go abck and look more He said about to leave