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  1. MajorSeargent
    Mexan and Xy ran out with Katara as water went around her healing her wounds

    Mexan threw a Diamond shield around Silax "It'll protect you for dieing!"SDh yelled to him running out.

    ooc:DO you want him to live her die cuase if die you canbreak the shield.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. MajorSeargent
    Xy un did his barrier then Mexans barrier went around Katara paralyzing her

    Katara youok? Xy asked her bring out some water from the gourd.

    Mexan held Katara in her arms.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. MajorSeargent


    Mexan saw the portal and felt the endergy form it, she ran to it and summoned some diamondz which shined in the light.

    Xy ran over summoning his elemental sitar doing water waves to make him go faster
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. MajorSeargent
    Xy got up as Mexan was clinging to him AHHH!CRAP NO THE COMPUTER!!He yelled and picked it up there oges my dataHe said and sighed , but smiled at Mexan she was just soo adorabvle

    Mexan smiled :3 Yuffie chan!! OY ok?!?!She yelled at yuffie

    ooc:Sry my space bar is borken
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. MajorSeargent
    ooc:yeah they used Mexan to bring him back to life it's in the pages where Katarafought Xy!


    Xy sighed Surely You didn't hear me, I"am the water prince. He told her and remnoved the water gently and put it in a gourd.

    Mexan sighed and nodded
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. MajorSeargent

    Mexn sighed as it was mostly h fualt, if she didn't open the barrier for ex then this would have never happend.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. MajorSeargent
    I"am sorry Katara for doing this...I should have never let Mexan go through with this! The you wouldn't be as sad as down" Xy said as he put more water on his second layer of the other shield

    .....I just was so confuse..." Mexan said lookig down.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. MajorSeargent
    Mexansighedand put a Dimaondshielaround Katarawhich wasalmopst in breakable!

    Xi then put a water shiel po her

    ooc:Sry on a sucky keyboard!
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. MajorSeargent
    Mexan went to Silax You owe me a than you! I was the one they sued to bring you back!" she told him

    xy looekd "Katara.." he htough

    ooc:Brb! tradin comps wil ltake itme!
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. MajorSeargent

    Oh I love you'r sig of runa and that othe girl!
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. MajorSeargent
    Me...the water prince...Mexan..I don't know yet...Thats why Mexan asked me to go search more before she went in there Xy aaid

    Mexan breathing came to normal and then saw haley come out of her coat and jumped out stretchign from a nice nap mmm... Mexan said and drank the rest of the water That why you didn't break a sweat or anythign when you fougth Katara? Mexan asked him

    WE'll I didn't realy want to kill Katara I mean peopel who use water are freinds with other people who's element is water...And plus she looked to nice to kill" he said happily Hugging Mexan

    I"am happy you'r ok Mex He told her huggin her nicely

    Mexan smiled :3 and hugged him back
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. MajorSeargent
    is he/she on the orginazation:Yes
    (only for org. members) title: Diamond princess
    personality:Nice, shy, mean, mysteriouse, radom,conviecing, bored
    appearence:Has al ong sleeved shirt and pants half black half white, long red hair black streaks going all around.
    anything else:Has awolf named haley.

    is he/she on the orginazation:Yes
    (only for org. members) title: (Prince of water
    personality:Same as Mexan but more protective.
    appearence:short blak hair spikes going down, has a black short shirt and ight jeans
    anything else:Has a pet moogle Miony
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. MajorSeargent
    I rmember...only diamondz..A girl is a white dress..full of colorfull the water...With a boy...Playing with water and diamondz. Mexan said touchign her head

    I rmemebr a boy...Playing with water..Moving it gently aroudn like ab all, and a mexans Description...I read one of Ansem jounals...I recreated form a prince and me and Mexan where both created at the same replicas of a pricne and princess. But they didn't want us so he kept us, but he worried we would turn on him...So he sent us here...Cuase hek new another Rpelica was here" xy said
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. MajorSeargent
    Mexan slipped her hand out of his grip getting up and stretching Finaly...Hello silax..Nice to see you again... Mexan said to him as she took the gourd form Xy and drank some and gave it back still some in there

    Thristy? Xy asked Silax
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. MajorSeargent
    ooc: Is Mexan still there?


    .....True....Welcome back Silax Xy said to him lookign at him as he then took the gourd of water out and swung it around.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. MajorSeargent
    As My was pofuing around everycorner nope not here She said AWWW! she said lookign for something

    Tifa and Yuffie where doing there jobs but Yuffie stopped and sighed I want action! she exclaimed
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. MajorSeargent
    Mexan nudged more

    ...I see...So is this how me and Mexan where created? He aske Telren

    In the journel Xy read Ansem had skipped a few page and didn't say how he recreated them.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. MajorSeargent
    ooc:AWW! BYEZ!
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. MajorSeargent
    Xy cameb back with the gourd of water and put it in his pocket Silax betetr be thankful to Mexan and you guys for bringing him back... Xy said Mexan was being used to bring him back and the ohers had gone through so much to bring him back, Xy hoped this would go by fast.

    Mexan nudged alittle in the cell
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. MajorSeargent
    Xy walked uot as well I"ll be right back I need to do something Xy said running out pasing Katara and to go behind a tree.

    There he started to get some water from th earth and was putting it in a cup.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home