He better! I'am running in these big shoes! My feet are killing me! heheh! she said giggling I think Roxas probably got realeased from Sora....So he might be in here too! Yuffie said running ooc-You think I can trade Yuffie in for Roxas or he taken? I never got to play roxas.
yeah yeah... Megan said and sighed laying her head on her desk boredly.
coem one! Riku slow poke! Hehehe! kairi giggled running up. Mickey luaghed a bit yuffie smiled
My poofed on the cloud "nope not here either!" My said and poofed back into the lounge sighing sadly
Yeah the re-cration part was fun!
Yeah!Being cooped up at school! Heartless looking and waiting for you to come out and fight! Not my kind of day" She said sighing.
then they went up 2 more levels Sora....we are almost there!......This time.....It's my turn to save you! Kairi said with ehr keyblade otu running ahead of everyone Mickey behind her I wonder where roxas is at this time...Yuffie wonder Maybe he is in Sora or is out of him dunno Micky said.
Those characters are taken already read first pge for characters you can have.
it's sad...Becuase namine is...lets say like my sister....My nobody,,,,,she is like Larxene and Zexion but is good! She is my nobody, and I"am in love with Sora....And Sora's nobody Roxas....Likes namine.....she likes him back.....So ben will only get hurt. Kairi said sadly Sora.....wonder is he is in darkness. yuffie said sadly Yeah up!! Mickey said going fast as everyone cuaght up/
Mexan went out drying her self off hitting the heartless in her way. Ky as well cazme out
I hope if not...I'ama go search on the cmoputer how to do a tlepeorting spell or somehting!she exclaims egtting her lab top out.
She sighs I wanna go ut and feel the air again she said sadly
Whe3n do you think this will stop and the heartless will go away? Mexan asked looking out a window.
ooc-Silax died, the castle was brought down when a pillar was broken I think by ex. Katara wanted to see Silax again so she helped Telren bring him back, but by using Mexan Xy found out he was the re-creation of the prince of water. Silax now wants to kill Telren then ever and Katara doesn't know to go back to the organziation or stay with Telren. Bic: Mexan looked around smiling in holowabastion, her place where she was created.
Megan came out in a on piece blue with white smiling and jumped in the pool Xy was in black trunk and put in his feet
Mickey looked around "Ok onwards...We just have a few more floors left "he said Kairi nodded
ooc:YAY...WE'll we haven't rp that much today!SO I"ama leave since no one is on on my rps
ooc:AWWWWWWWW! By Xephos!...WE hardly rped with her here since yesterday hehe!
"Wheres my necklace?!?!?"My exclaimed lookign all around saldy
Then Mexna put a diamond shield aorund ehr and Xy and walked off "come theres ap ool!"she said running toward the pool. Xy sighed and walked to her.