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  1. MajorSeargent


    ooc-When will they get out?


    Megan walked out into the halls When will this place open up? she asked herself sadly
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. MajorSeargent
    Ok stay calm almost there My said looking back pulling her glasses up a bit, she looked left then right hopping no one would see her.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. MajorSeargent
    Megan and Ty walked out smiling

    Mexan and Xy were now in the forest
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. MajorSeargent
    YOu'r so Nieve Ben if only you knew." Kairi said as she took out her keyblade

    Mickey took out his

    ooc-Isn't Namine and Larxene taken?..And do I et RoxaS?
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. MajorSeargent


    Just looking up some atuff She said smiling
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. MajorSeargent
    Tifa looked at the water flowing from Walmart to K-mart and was pretty confused

    Yuffie went out eatin her cookies to see water.

    My went in glasses on looing around.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. MajorSeargent
    When Ky reached the ground he landed his feet Looking at Xy and got a bit mad and walked off kickign a rock ...Dang it
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. MajorSeargent

    LOl crappy huh?

    I'll do better in the furture though!

    YOu may use in sig
    Thread by: MajorSeargent, Jul 4, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. MajorSeargent
    Ky jumped up to his feet and punched Xy but it missed

    Xy pushed Ky up in the air and walked over to Megan smiling as they continued the picnic

    Ky fell thinkg why is he stronger?
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. MajorSeargent
    Xy was heading toward Megan who was in the forest with a picnic for her and Xy

    then he heard a sound from a near by vush

    He stops and then Ky jumps him

    Xy grabs Ky's face pushing him back and then kicked his Leg making him hit the ground on his face.

    Ky gets up and threw 5 kunais at Xy I"ll get that picnic you! he says to him grinning

    Xy sighs grabbing thek unais in his fingers but then they exploded in his hands damaging him pretty badly

    Megan looked back and sighed shrugging probably fireworks or something she said as she put out some curry
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. MajorSeargent
    Name:Megan and Mexan Marta
    age:18 and 19
    apperence:Megan is the short one in ppony tails and Mexan is the one with long hair [​IMG]

    Name:Ky and Xy Tura
    age:18 and 19
    apperence:Ky is the one with brown hair and Xy has the gray hair[​IMG]
    parents-Martha and Kurt Tura

    parents-Martha and Kurt Tura

    Ty and Ky fight for Mexans love and Ty is Ky and xy's older brother

    May I join?
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. MajorSeargent


    Mexan giggles smiling Hehehe..........oh... She said taking out her labtop and started to type opening some files
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. MajorSeargent
    My snaps her fingers again to be in a blue shirt and black pants tight, her hair is now in ina ponytail she walks off the walmart I last took into Walmart so they must be in there she said wlaking into Walmart.

    Tifa was out side cheking off some thing

    Yuffie ran to the candy aisle nd saw a big bag of Cookies and grabbed them.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. MajorSeargent
    Mexan was in hewr roo mtrying to put the orb back together Urrrrr...Nope can't do it! she said sighing and laido n er bed she then got up to go out side for some fresh air, she sighed as she wanted to know more of her new found powers.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. MajorSeargent
    And with out no light we would all probably be killed! So you better Respect SOra Ben or Sora won't protect ou fro mthe dark side and you will become a heartless to''''' Kairi said madly to Ben

    Yeah I respect Sora he's one of my bestes freind next to Riku that is Mickey said smiling
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. MajorSeargent


    "You'r right tere not smart enough." She said banging her head on the table.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. MajorSeargent
    My starts to bang her head on a wall madly "think...Think...Think half Genie thnk!!!!!!!YOu ccan remember!!!"She yells at her self, she snaps her fingers and she is in a comfty chair with a book reading "....."

    Tifa looks at her "Note: Get genie spray....Half genie spray too" she writes down and walks off toward the registers

    Yuffie taking another break and looks at My "Note: Buy more cookies" She says into a recorder walking off outside.

    ooc-Mind if I get A BIt more random with My
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. MajorSeargent
    ooc-So I can have Roxas instead? of yuffie?


    Kairi"Yeah sora once defeated this orgaization all by his self...Goofy and Donald weren't very good fighters so they don't can't. Sora and his key blade destroyed them all....We don't know how they are back but once we get Sora back he'll destroy them again! You better respect the keybearers There the reason darkness hasn't taken over"Kairio yelled at Ben madly.

    Mickey nodded "With out Sora....We'd all be in darkness."he said nodded crossing his arms looking way
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. MajorSeargent


    nope!.....Think they found a way to get out or something?" Megan asked lookin at Rick
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. MajorSeargent

    Oh you get my pm about my new character Xy?

    Wanted to see if I could bring him in.
    Post by: MajorSeargent, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home