Now where am I? Riku asked him self lookign around
Well we got drummers...Which are all me! lol!
Kairi is a fannie of Soras And Megan will be in orgXII then
Can Megan be in Sora's group too...they need a drummer!
Username:MajorSeargent OC Name:Megan Gender:Female Instrument:Drums Looks Like(picture would help): Bio:She grew up playing the drums and loved it so much! and Kairi?
Lol yeah! *takes out my house keys*GRRR I will destroy my freinds! I'll have to tell them its more action packed then less disny mostly ff and new characters.......They still don't like it then I must slap them twice!
Not to be mean but this belongs in the crossover section
The same goes to me cuase we studied together so I know what he knows andh e knows what I know! Megan said looking blankly Ty looked at her confused Wha?
ooc-yeah Naime erased the memories he had here hehe! I love the com bic- Roxas cuaght her and smiled hugging her Namine.....I've missed you so much....I"am glad you'r ok! Kairi smiled andh ugged SOra You got killed and turned into like 100 heartless but we all came here to save you Sora! Cuase with out the key-bearer we'd all be darkness! And I would miss you to much" Kairi said smiling
Theres some people that I talk to about Kingdomhearts, and they say its a stupid Gay game!! They say a weapon thats a key?Thats stupid" Which makes me mad cuase some of them don't even play it!!!ERRRRRRGH! Does that tick you off?
ooc-where is everyone ?
ooc-ok where is everyone now?
ooc-Ok recap?
We need Sweet!
I know i saw it I turned it off the next 2 minutes....But hey I got a bit of infor of god of wars and the new psp
Roxas ran some more down the stairs very close to them all Namine I'am coming hold on" Kairi looks at the door Roxas? She said looking at the door Mickey looks at Kairi You sense Roxas?
ooc-yeah you! Sry guys have not een on been busy!
ooc-the weird thing is we are not on at the same time now adays!
ooc-I guess that is possible. Bic- Roxas then awoke and got up in the castle Namine... He said rememebring what had happend to Sora in the park, he ran down stairs to everyone Kairi was getting mad at Ben mocking them and sighed as she touched her heart thinking of Sora SorA?.....Roxas?? Mickey looked at Ben madly Ben it doesn't matter if you have the omnitrix or not here you need Light in you'r heart to live or you'll become a nobobdy like Larxene and them and will fade in everlasting Darkness.....And so far You don't realy have any. Mickey said
ooc-Oh noes!!!! BIc- Megan looked at some ofthe kids who were scared