Hellsing lovers and feares, behold, Alucard the one true inmortal!!!! Dog walk Axel= Wolf Saïx= doberman
Fear the Wolf Axel!!!!
they're pencils... I painted too softly... so it doesn't look good ;)
yeah... it's no good... I think that sigs is not my thing... :)
y'know I've never seen Axel as a villian, he's more a rebel than ayithing else... still he has his evil personality... if we're quallifing Axel as villian , then he's my favorite... I was thinking about the real Evil villioans, refering to Xemans, Maleficent and Pete, who are the principal ones... :)
I used reflect with Xigbar whan he stwiched in sniper mode... it was good... never used magnetto
FFX, I really like Auron and Kimahri , the Ronso, so did Yuna, exelent trama, and really cool graphics and gameplay
my favorites of all times are The Lion King adn Mulan... I also like Robbin Hood, Beauty and the Beast, the nightmare before christmas, the fox and the hound, Fantasia... lots more... I grew up with disney :D
Looks gr8! I really like it! I suck at digital art, OMG! I really like it! exelent work!:D I really like the fire-like effects
1. indeed he is fat and stupid 2. haven't played CoM yet 3. of course he looks better! I mean, who don't org XIII coats rock! 4. sure!, he's annoying! >.< 5. he's not yoda, and he goes around pretending to be wise and only is a mouse... a giant mouse! >.< but still killing him will not have sense 6. Stupid Gummiship!!! I mean, look at that thing is a lego project made by a 3years old kid >.<
Normally tow, exept Hollow Bastion(like 6 times), Pooh's Book(don't really know) and the Space paranoids (three times I think)... How many are Xaldin's weapons and how are they called? EDIT: they're called ginzus and the're six
AXEL! I just love his rebelion, and his attitude and his style, his spikey hair, and I just love Axel!:D
Good one PuppyNoelle! I'm with you! ...maybe you've got the wrong impression because any traslation is the same as the original, remember that the game's original language is Japanese, the lines got to change sometimes to make a sense... the same happens with the movies, you see a movie in italian at it says other things traslated to english... besides I am a yaoi hater >.<
Actualy I can accept some hard critisism, I am an artist and I'm doomed to live with that, ppl is hard to draw, specially when they're 3D, but thank you anyways, I gess that ot was not the result I wnated, but still I got the right expression and hair, so do the dragon, but if you don't like it you're free to say it... but I think I agree with sgh, is not OK to tell something we know, I said that ppl is not my best I did what I could... but thankyou anyway :D sgh, thanks for defending me! :)
Thank you guys, I gess that Axel ended more good than I spected from me, I'm a nature drawer, my mastery is in fantasy creatures and animals... Thanks for the coments really! :D
Shadings os my mastery, I gess, I suck in drawing people, but I love Axel, so, I MUST draw him the way he is, a human...urr... nobody lol! I tought that it would be an original idea... what you think?
I don't think that is really good... what you think? maybe I will open a tread on the graphic shop if you like to see the chars you love as wolves...
the final Axel Battle with Roxas, the one of the 1000 heartless and Xemnas first battle
if there is anothr tread, I didn't know, I'm sorry... but I've never seen it From KH2 who's your favorite villian? personally mine is Xemnas
Axel, indeed, but I like Xiggy too! ^_^