Slash fantasies aside, I dreamt I was going to school and it was weird because it was exactly how it was in real life (same bus stop, same bus route, same city), but the feel of it was weird. In the dream, when I got to school, it was as if the school itself was giving off this weird aura and I didn't want to go into the building where my class was located, but I did anyways. I couldn't tell at all what was wrong, but there was just something wrong in the dream. I'm still trying to figure that one out.
Well, it definitely speaks the truth about music. Points for you.
-cling- Yes, I know you're my imouto! -snuzzle- I missed you! It got pretty bad this time. I was seconds away from downing my sister's prescribed amoxicillan, which would have been really bad, all considering that I'm allergic to it. Thanks. Yes, watch Transformers. Bumblebee is so much love!
I went to see a couselor about the whole ordeal and have been completely written off as a case of "teenaged angst" even though I'm not a teenager, this whole depression thing has been a problem for me for the last seven or eight years, and have actually had to go to three different doctors previously, who all said I was fine. I swear, if you want help for depression, don't come to Vancouver. Our medical people are idiots. Anyways, obviously, I didn't commit suicide. And, obviously, I'm back. Things are still a bit hard, but they're getting better, as I'm in the midst of getting my own room, away from my sisters, who are half of the reason I'm as bad as I am right now. Of course, the Transformers love-fest over the weekend with my friend cheered me up a great deal. But yes, I am back, doing relatively well, and ready to post again.
Black jeans, light blue tanktop, black jacket, Roxas' shoes.
Not that I'm here that often, anyways. But some serious crap has come up in my life. Stuff like massive fights with my sisters resulting in some pretty bad injuries and leaving home and suicidal thoughts. I really just need a nice long break to pull myself together before I wind up doing something stupid and giving in to my suicidal thoughts. Take care, everyone. I'll see you when I get back. ~Kirii
Name: Kirii Good/bad guy: We think she's good. O_o Appearence: Kirii is 5'7" tall. She has short-cropped brown hair with long, dark blue bangs. She wears thin, rectangular, silver-framed glasses. Her typical wardrobe is a pair of black jeans, a black tanktop, and a black hoodie. She always has a Celtic knot raven pendant around her neck. Nobody/Heartless (only if ur a bad guy): Does not apply What u usualy say: Usually, some really random stuff. O_o For examples, read this. Kiaran and Kirii are both based off me, but I made Kirii different enough to distinguish which is which.
I haven't played Red in years. O_o Heck, I don't even know where my copy is. Though I know where Blue and Yellow are. XD
Aqua: Legal :D Terra: Legal Ven: Jailbait Xehanort: Decrepid Oh, you mean actual age? Aqua: 18 Terra: 20 Ven: 16 Xehanort: Late sixties.
For the most part, I ignore their existence. 9_9;; It's just in big bad battles when I really need them to give me a potion and they give them to each other and ignore Sora that I start cursing at them. Colorfully, might I add.
Everyone is gay, according to many, many fans out there. I guarantee, if you look, you'll find "evidence" of everyone's gayness.
Oh, what the heck? I've done something similar already, but why not let someone else try to depict my insanity. Could I just be some random chick that pops in from time to time with half-helpful advice and underlying innuendoes? :D
The original six (Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion) all have canon real names that are mentioned in the Secret Ansem Reports, but for the rest of them, there is no canon name to go off of. There is no correct name, several fanon names and then there are personal preferences. These are my personal thoughts: Axel = Ael Larxene = Arlene Marluxia = Lumaria Saix = Ias Demyx = Myde Luxord = Rould
People like your friend just amuse me. Usually, I just smile nicely and go over and be all lesbian with one of my girlfriends. Of course, it's not as funny if there's a relative around. 9_9;; That was a heart attack just waiting to happen.
As a Zemyx fan myself, I can provide a few answers. For me, and several of the other Zemyx fans out there, it's more than the "they look pretty together" factor. We see much more than that; a connection between the two characters that make up most of our love for the pairing. Yes, there's the balance between the personalities, and admittedly, I do think they look pretty together, but really, it's all about the connection between them. Actually, instead of letting me ramble on about my favorite KH pairing, I'll give you a link to a good, well-thought out dissertation on the pairing, written by the Queen of Zemyx herself, Dual. A Dissertation on Zemyx We're not really trying to force the pairing on anyone; we're just trying to enjoy it. If Dual's dissertation helps you understand what we see, we're happy that you could at least understand. We're not asking you to like the pairing.
I didn't get my license until I was nearly twenty-one. O_o Therefore I am lazier than you.
I go to Clark College in Washington. Seriously, it's nothing to be proud of.
Because I'm bored and can't get home to pick up my car and my sisters to go fangasm over Transformers, here's what I'd say for everyone: Xemnas: "So, Lauren says you were Ansem's favorite? >3" Xigbar: "Teach me to aim, plz." Xaldin: "Nice spears." Vexen: "Don't touch me." Lexaeus: -runs away screaming in terror- Zexion: "Can I keep you?" Saïx: "Nice wolfie. Can I keep you, too?" Axel: "You team-killing whore." Demyx: Amongst other things "OMG LEMME KEEP YOU!!" Luxord: "Let's play a game. Make it strip poker." Marluxia: "So, is your hair naturally that color?" Larxene: "You are totally my mistress." Roxas: "D'aawwwww! You're so cute and fluffy and omg can I keep you?" Naminé: "Awwww! Can I keep you?" Sora: "Roxas is so much cuter than you." Riku: "I'll give you tweny bucks to put on Kairi's school uniform." Kairi: "Jump in a lake and die" or "Get a better characterization and I might like you." Olette: "Be my girlfriend? :D" Hayner: "-cackle- Struggle." Pence: "Can I keep you, too?" Aqua: "Be my other girlfriend? :'D" Terra: "Hiho, hiho, it's off Lauren's we go! >3" Ven: "Kyaaaaa! Can I keep you?" And that's all I want to type right now. And yes, I'd totally keep them even if they said no when I asked. Because I can.
Just voted for Lexaeus. Though many of the others have creepy smiles, the guy's 6 foot something and built like a tank. If he smiled at me, I'd probably run away screaming. People more that four or five inches taller than me freak me out like nothing else. O_O
Have you looked into the curriculum for either choice? You may want to do so, if only to figure out which one looks like the one that you'd best be able to stick with. If there's an introductory course that's a basic overview of what you'd have to look forward to during coursework, I'd highly suggest that; I did that with the pharmaceutical course I took. Considering that it's an overview, you get to figure out whether it really is something that you want to do. If there are no overview classes, see if you can find an animator or a psychologist that you could talk to in order to find out more about the fields. Depending on what you find out from these peple, you can probably make a decision from there.