Ghost Love Score by Nightwish
If you're looking for a good series, I'd suggest the Dragonlance series. Your best bet with that series is to start with the Chronicles trilogy (Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night, Dragons of Spring Dawning). Those are, in my opinion, the better books, but the Legends trilogy is good too. But you'd definitely want to read the Chronicles trilogy before the Legends trilogy or you will get confused.
...when you write yourself into a Kingdom Hearts fanfic where you're just screwing with everyone's heads throughout the entire game. Guilty as charged.
To go with what K a i r i said, Christ would have been born in the spring. Christians just changed it to coincide with the pagan celebration of the winter Solstice so the earlier Christians in Europe wouldn't be persecuted. That said, happy Solstice to any of my fellow pagans who may be on this board.
The first game was a breeze for me. The only thing I ever had trouble with was fighting Sephiroth. The second game was a bit tougher because I was so spastic with my playing that I didn't do well. Xigbar beat me six times before I begged my little sister to beat him for me. That was embarrassing as hell. Funny in retrospect, but just embarrassing when I had to ask her for help. Never played Chain of Memories all the way through. I have an emulation and I can never remember what keys do what. =S
Hot as Zexion is, I prefer Larxene. She is an ideal character for me. She's *****y, sadistic, sarcastic too. She's got the evil thing down pat and I love her.
Honestly don't remember if I replied to this before or not. But I absolutely despise Kairi. She doesn't have enough background and characterization for me to like her. I mean, we see maybe one or two flashbacks with her as a child and several of Sora and Riku. I realize that this is probably because Sora is the main character and Riku the main rival/best friend and Kairi's just the girl they're friends with, but really. Is it just too much to ask for a little more background on her? What was her life like before she moved to the Destiny Islands? What did she love as a child? And for the love of all that is holy, don't put her in PINK. Red-heads like Kairi do NOT look good in pink. Especially the two shades they put her in for the second game! Urgh, it's the most vomit-inducing combination I can think of for shades of pink. Put her back in purple. The purple looked good for her coloring! Other than that, I can't really complain.
My favorite plush is the leopard I got at the zoo. His name is Ratchet. =3 He needs a jaguar to be his Ironhide. [/end weird TF fan moment] That's only until I get that Demyx plushy I saw at the mall.
SORRY, I FORGOT!! Dude, as many times as I've watched the movie, you'd think I would know it by heart.
This was taken from a meme I did on my journal: Roxas and Hokuto reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by Sunstreaker's sinister secret organization. Riku volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that he is actually a spy for Sunstreaker. Meanwhile, Sunstreaker has kidnapped Prowl in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of Demyx, they seek out Bumblebee, who gives them what they need to complete their quest. What do you name this fic? “World’s Most ****ed-Up Game of Dungeons and Dragons. EVER.†Just imagine the drugs I'd need to do before actually writing a Kingdom Hearts/Transformers/Tokyo Babylon crossover like that. What kind of crack do you get in memes like that?
StupidAquaris was an amusing name though. BTW. Nice Ironhide quote under your status, imouto. <3
Nightwish: For the Heart I Once Had. Very good song. Anette has a wonderful voice. I miss Tarja, though. ;_;
-skids in and trips over people, crashing to the floor- Ow. -rubs head- Where'd my kitty go? Ratchet? -looks around-
Because I never see them?
I only saw it for the first time a few months ago, and really, I'll give her points for going to rescue Toby, but she shouldn't have been stupid in the first place. Then again, where would the movie be without stupidity? I don't know. I just didn't like her. Main female characters are cursed like that for me. I don't like Kairi, Yuna, Tifa, Mikaela, What's-her-face-that-we're-currently-talking-about-I-can't-remember-her-name, get the idea.
Oh, gods. Remind me of the last forum I was on. We had a whole April Fool's Day joke going on where the mods pranked the whole board by making it seem like banned members had hacked into the board and were taking over. Admittedly, I totally fell for it.
I never liked David Bowie, but I was actually rather impressed by the movie. The chick, though, urgh. She was the most annoying person ever. I don't know what it was about her, but she just completely pissed me off. Might just be the thing I have about hating the main female character. O_o
XDD I'm actually quite amused by this whole thing.
With the weird, wrong aura, I'd think that it's telling me to ditch college and go into Job Corps. O_o
What position do you lie in? Half-way on my back, usually on my left side with one leg hanging over the railing. What kind of bed do you have, single or double? I have a weird bunk bed that's a double on the bottom and a single on the top. I sleep on top. How many pillows? Two big size and one small. Do you like to lie-in late? Yes. Do you snore? No, but I'm told I moan a lot. O_o Do you dream? Usually in slash fantasies or bizarre, unexplainable dreams. Sometimes I just dream about whatever I watched/played last (ie, Transformers, Kingdom Hearts, Pirates of the Caribbean). Do you wear pyjamas? If you count track pants and a bra as such. Do you sleep with teddy bears? No. I have a stuffed rabbit named Sei-chan and a stuffed leopard called Ratchet. XD;;