I dunno. It just seems to me that every thread I post in dies. I find this utterly amusing. XD I should keep track of how many threads I can kill in a month and try to claim some sort of trophy for it. Just for something fun to do. Though I'm often not on the board for long periods of time. =S If I were to hold a competition for most threads killed, I'd lose by default. XD I don't know. I'm just amused.
Story time: Before time began, there was...the Cube. But that has nothing to do with this story and the author just likes that line for the amount of crack she can come up with for it. Our story actually began twenty-one years ago with the birth of a very special girl. A girl named...well, her real name is not important and she doesn't like it anyways, so we'll just call her Kirii. Kirii is, as we just said, a very special girl. She was dropped on the head one time too many. At age three, she discovered beer. At age seven, she cut her brother's hand with a butter knife that had butter on it. At age ten, she discovered anime. When she was in high school, she was introduced to the good anime, such as Ruroni Kenshin and Ghost in the Shell. This was also the time that Kirii was introduced to slash. At first, it was a harmless interest and by the time she was sixteen, she'd started writing it. She's been writing it ever since. Though she has many fandoms that she writes for, she's most popular for her Kingdom Hearts and Transformers slash. And while she's popular with other slash fans, there is a certain...something missing. A life. Moral of the story: Kirii writes slash and has no life. This may happen to other slashers or it may not, but be forewarned. Slash is a drug. You need a special liscense to slash safely. Kirii doesn't have that liscense. Kirii is wanted by the Save the Ukes Federation. If you know how to contact her, call the Save the Ukes Federation at 1-800-643-SEME. And don't ask why our number is SEME.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=UzZWxSFqAjw Seriously, I was on something when I made that video. O_O But since you reminded me of it, I figured I might as well post a link. XD
The Poet and the Pendulum: Nightwish The Poet And The Pendulum (Dark Passion Play) "WHITE LANDS OF EMPATHICA" The end. The songwriter's dead. The blade fell upon him Taking him to the white lands Of Empathica Of Innocence Empathica Innocence "HOME" The dreamer and the wine Poet without a rhyme A widowed writer torn apart by chains of hell One last perfect verse Is still the same old song Oh Christ how I hate what I have become Take me home Getaway, runaway, fly away Lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world Forgive me I have but two faces One for the world One for God Save me I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world My home was there 'n then Those meadows of heaven Adventure-filled days One with every smiling face Please, no more words Thoughts from a severed head No more praise Tell me once my heart goes right Take me home Getaway, runaway, fly away Lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world Forgive me I have but two faces One for the world One for God Save me I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world "THE PACIFIC" Sparkle my scenery With turquoise waterfall With beauty underneath The Ever Free Tuck me in beneath the blue Beneath the pain, beneath the rain Goodnight kiss for a child in time Swaying blade my lullaby On the shore we sat and hoped Under the same pale moon Whose guiding light chose you Chose you all "I'm afraid. I'm so afraid. Being raped again, and again, and again I know I will die alone. But loved. You live long enough to hear the sound of guns, long enough to find yourself screaming every night, long enough to see your friends betray you. For years I've been strapped unto this altar. Now I only have 3 minutes and counting. I just wish the tide would catch me first and give me a death I always longed for ". "DARK PASSION PLAY" 2nd robber to the right of Christ Cut in half - infanticide The world will rejoice today As the crows feast on the rotting poet Everyone must bury their own No pack to bury the heart of stone Now he's home in hell, serves him well Slain by the bell, tolling for his farewell The morning dawned, upon his altar Remains of the dark passion play Performed by his friends without shame Spitting on his grave as they came Getaway, runaway, fly away Lead me astray to dreamer's hideaway I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world Forgive me I have but two faces One for the world One for God Save me I cannot cry 'cause the shoulder cries more I cannot die, I, a whore for the cold world "Today, in the year of our Lord 2005, Tuomas was called from the cares of the world. He stopped crying at the end of each beautiful day. The music he wrote had too long been without silence. He was found naked and dead, With a smile in his face, a pen and 1000 pages of erased text." Save me "MOTHER & FATHER" Be still, my son You're home Oh when did you become so cold? The blade will keep on descending All you need is to feel my love Search for beauty, find your shore Try to save them all, bleed no more You have such oceans within In the end I will always love you The beginning.
I know I'm going to get looks for this, but -points to signature- Starscream. Totally sex on two mechanical legs. Especially G1 Starscream. All TF whoring aside, sexy is totally Anette Olzon and Tuomas Holopainen. I swear, in some photos, Tuomas looks like the love-child of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. I don't have the picture that I think specifically backs that up, but just look at this and tell me that man isn't sexy. And if you've ever seen the video for "Wish I Had an Angel" you'll know he is good with those freakin' keyboards. -fans self-
This is probably the only sane name for me: Kexrakebh Unless one chose to use any number of nicknames I use: Xirkii Xikiri Rixiki Kixirik Xaefryl Fryxael Xylfrae I'd prefer to use Xaefryl, since it's a name I use anyways. XP
1) Fallen over a door. Yes. We were building a shed in the backyard and I stupidly tripped over one corner of it. 2) Had a best friend who says hello by hitting you. No, I was the one who hit him. XD;; 3) Had your bedroom carpet thrown out of your bedroom window. Bedroom window does not open. D: 4) Gotten a headache from being bored. Twice in the last week. 5) Decided to not fit in. How do you decide not to fit in. 6) Hit one or more of your friends with a science textbook. Yup. 7) Made up a random song about Tic-Tacs with your friend. No, but we sang about Fritos and completely obliterated the original "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" by changing it to be about Sephiroth and Geostigma. 8) Not revised for a test, and then get the highest in the class. Once. Fourth grade. Spelling. 9) Been called a boy when you are actually (Shock, horror) a girl. Several times before my chest expanded. O_O Still happens sometimes.
Hit someone up instead of waiting to be talked to. Works for me.
I'd love to see a photo of this billboard. If only so I can iconize it. XD
I'd probably blink, stretch, snuggle and fall back asleep before waking up five minutes later wondering how you managed to get up the ladder without waking me or the twins. I'm on a top bunk and it bangs against the wall when you climb up. O_O
You will be strung up by your wrists with barbed wire. I traumatized a group of preschoolers.
How can stand Vista? Or has it not started being the glitchy little ***** yet?
Depends. Since you're giving Absol as your example, fictional and mythical creatures count. I for one, would probably be a dragon or a phoenix. Both are fire elements and I am spiritually inclined towards fire.
My family celebrates it because my mom's apparently culturely diverse. We've celebrated a holiday from four different cultures and three religions. Strange how my mom is willing to celebrate with other religions, but refuses to accept that I'm Wiccan.
I'm not even doing anything. I'm just here because I can't sleep and y!gallery has ceased to amuse me for the night.
I feel almost insulted. Last I checked, Jesus didn't have boobs. Your name has got to be....Justin.
Because we have better things to do? Probably not. I dunno.
My parents quit caring what I did online three years ago when I turned eighteen.
I've slept maybe five hours in the last three days. You stay up one hour for every one I sleep.
Person above me has got to be Billy-Joe.