y jst md my nnr grmmr-nz xpld. thnks. DX
Need a new sig, so I thought I'd ask you. :3 Type: Siggy Color Scheme: Either red and black or red with a splash of white. Something that will go with the character. Stock/Render: http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i103/Kiaran_Dryaalis/Protectobot-FirstAid.jpg Text: First Aid / An ounce of maintenance is worth a pound of cure Other: Feel free to go crazy with the brushes. :3 Thanks in advance~
Who on this board does have a life? Just out of curiosity?
I'm going to tell you the same thing I told my sisters. It's Ansem the Heartless cosplaying a Jawa. *brick'd for Star Wars reference*
I think Gentle Rain wins. KH1: 93 KH2: 88
Okay, I'll agree with you on the redundancy of superhero movies. It's actually quite true. The only good point I see in this movie is that we get to see a different kind of superhero that you usually only see in bad fanfiction. I'm just kind of intrigued.
Thank you. Smut-brain does not need feeding. XD;; I'm also curious about your opinion about the movie.
Hey Tofu, do me a big favor and fix the spelling on the movie title. It's Hancock, not Handcock. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who choked on their drink upon seeing "Handcock" XD I'm going to see it this weekend with my sisters. Can't promise I'll be able to come back and let you know how it is, but I hear it's supposed to be really good.
As a lesbian myself, I have to have my say from the "gay point of view." Religious reasoning or not, there is really nothing wrong with being homosexual. We're not hurting anyone by being the way we are. Yes, I understand that it's probably strange to see a same sex couple being affectionate in public in the eyes of a straight person, but really, what are we hurting? We're just being true to ourselves, just the same as straight couples are being true to themselves when they are affectionate in public. This whole ordeal with banning gay marriage is what's really being hurtful. I understand that a lot of people don't agree with the union between gay couples being called "marriage" since it's supposed to be a sacred testament of love before the Christian God, but think of how you would feel if the roles were reversed and it was the straight couples that were being banned. I'm not about to claim into the "it's not fair" argument, but think about that and how things might be if things were the opposite as they are now. The world, in the past, has accepted gay relationships and has been fine with it. If you really think about history, it wasn't until Christianity began spreading that we were really looked down upon. And please, do not get on my case about being Anti-Christian; just because I'm Wiccan and a lesbian does not mean that I'm Anti-Christian. I'm looking at the facts here. Look at the ancient history of the Greeks and the Romans prior to the introduction of Christianity and you'll see that life went on just fine with the acceptance of homosexuality. What could possibly be so different now if things were similar to what they were back then? I will not blame anyone for their beliefs and I will not hate someone just because they don't think homosexuality is right or natural. I am above petty hatred. I have my pride as a lesbian and that can't be taken away from me. I'm tired of hiding who I am and will not hide anymore just to please those who intolerant of homosexuality. By all means, continue to believe in your beliefs. I'm not asking you to change them. All I ask, not just for me, but for all of us who have to live in the eyes of those who don't agree with our lifestyle, is that you don't ask us to change who we are. *whew* There's a weight off my chest.
For me, I think my books to read: Dragons of a Fallen Sun: I bought it a couple weeks ago, since I absolutely love the Dragon Lance series, but every time I go to read this book, I get a couple pages done and then ignore it for a while. I think most of my problem is that there are so many things mentioned in the War of Souls trilogy that I just don't understand because I think I missed the series with the Chaos Wars. It's a bit hard to follow. =S Of Mice and Men: Had to read that book when I was a sophomore in high school and I still hate it. It was just too boring to read and I'll never understand how the bloody hell Steinbeck managed to become such a reknowned author.
If I knew any of her friends, I would do that. She's pretty reclusive and doesn't really talk to me about any other friends. I'm just a little nervous about asking her out, even if she is bi. I've never actually asked anyone out before. And I'm afraid of ruining the friendship we have. Then again, that's a pretty common fear. And usually, it turns out alright. I think I might try that. I'd just have to work up the nerve and manage to control my stupid rambling. Thanks, I'll keep the hint in mind. :)
No one because I'm socially inept, even with MSN. 8D;; *too shy to approach anyone*
I suppose this would be catagorized as "girlfriend advice" considering the nature of the problem. Well, problems, actually. Okay. So there's this girl (for sake of not naming names, let's call her Crush) that I really like. I've been on friendly terms with her for a couple of years and we have plenty in common; we like a lot of the same music, games, movies and whatnot, we both like to write and draw. We click in so many ways and I would love to ask her out, but therein lies the one of the problems. I don't even know if Crush swings that way. I've picked up hints that she might be at least bi, but I'm afraid to ask her outright if she's bi or lesbian or what. I know she's had issues with guys in the past and that she doesn't trust men very well. I've thought about asking her sister, whom I met her through, about it, but there's the other problem. I have admitted to liking the sister that way in the past and Crush knows that. I don't want it to look like I want to date Crush because I can't date her sister. Any ideas on what I should do? Should I follow through and ask Crush out or just try to forget it?
I try to ignore him for the most part. I've looked at a couple of his threads and just found them to be pointless, even for a section of the forum that's meant to be pointless.
Don't laugh. I'm addicted to it, even if it is polka. Loituma (BassHunter techno remix)
Tear from Tales of the Abyss is one of my absolute favorites. She's hot. :D
Is in an angelic mood.
Cloud, Yuffie and Sora have some of the best, in my opinion. I'd love to make their outfits, but I lack the sewing skills. ;_;
Has a very cute user avatar.
I'd been looking for clips for AMVs and came across the website. Had no idea that there was a forum until my sister (I have no idea what her username is these days) told me about it. Though I've been MIA for like....months. XD