*shrug* Anything you think I might be interested in? Quality art, decent fanfiction, music videos, web comics, etc.
- CSI - CSI: Miami - NCIS - House M.D. - Bones - The Simpsons - Transformers Animated - Forensic Files - Star Trek: Voyager - 'Til Death - According to Jim - Days of Our Lives (stfu, Mom got me addicted) - Shockwave - Mythbusters - Wishbone (oh, the nostalgia~ XD) - Bleach (occasionally)
I would typically say Sora, since he's the one we actually know the moves and strengths of, but when you think about the fight with Xemnas and how well Riku moves on his own, you kind of get a feel for him as well. And frankly, since he's not controlled by the player, he can either be infinitely better (like when I play) or not as good. Also, when you consider that Riku was supposed to be the original keyblade wielder, one might assume that he's better, while Sora has more experience with it. I dunno. That's just what came to my mind. And I'm really out of it today. D:
Sometimes. If I'm curious enough, I might click one. If it's a link to something I might actually be interested in, I might. It really depends on what the link is.
Some of these are actual words or names that mean something in certain languages. Others are just usernames I came up with. Aibreán (Gaelic, meaning "April") Eirwen (Welsh, meaning "white snow") Winter Nights Winter Wind Caught in Twilight Springborne Winter Twilight Winterchild Frost / Frosting (to go with the cookie idea XD) Maybe you'll get inspired by one of those? :3
I am so out of touch with the HP fandom and I never got into Twilight, so I'm no help with those. Give me a favorite color, your birth month, favorite season or favorite time of day and maybe I could work with those.
I completely support that hope. Any cop, even a lowly security guard, that acts like that gets suspension without pay at the very least here, but in this case, firing the guy sounds like a fine idea to me.
If I knew you better, I'd offer up suggestions. I'm reasonably good at thinking up usernames (ignore this one, for the love of Monos), but I'd have to know a lot more about you before I could be of any help. =S
All that crap because you were skating? That's an outrage and an abuse of authority in my book. I don't know how things are where you are, but that's just way out of line.
Whenever I sit down and have someplace to prop my legs, I have a habit of moving my foot in circles. It drives my dad up the wall. I also have a habit of playing with my friends' hair and I flick the nails of my thumb and ring finger together when I'm bored. Oh, yeah. I give people nicknames based on certain things about them. It's more out of the fact that I just don't remember names very well. If I nickname someone, I remember the nickname.
Jumped into a meidou. *couldn't think of anything else*
I liked the movie a lot when I first saw it when it was new. These days, it's a nice touch of nostalgia, but the jokes in the American release are just bad and WTF, Power Rangers in Digimon. Bleh. And I have it on VHS, so I've got that stupid short film with the kids pretending they're random made-up Digimon. Have to fast-forward through that or risk throwing something into the television screen. DX
Actually, a lot about me has changed. In the last year, I've: - Gotten over my fear of horses - Given myself a full make-over (cut my hair short, dyed it red, changed my wardrobe, got new glasses and gave into my feminine side and started wearing a touch of make-up) - Gone vegetarian - Finally decided what I want to do with my life - Pulled myself together and gotten some help for my eating disorder - Become a better student (two terms with not a single grade below a C!) - Gained quite a bit of self confidence
Oh, lovely work on the manipulation! :D Looks very good! Give your friend my compliments on the photography; it's a very nice shot!
Nothing against Toshi, but I'm a little annoyed by all the threads he makes. I know it's a spam board, but jeez, enough is enough. DX
I don't hate him as a character. But as a opponent, good Lord and Lady, I hate fighting him! It takes me six or seven times to even get close to beating him. DX I've had to resort to asking my little sister to beat him for me.
Lord and Lady, that shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as it did. >_>;;
Epica: Cry for the Moon
We can be firework-less together. You can't legally shoot off fireworks where I am. =S
As of 7/4/2008 4:41:12 PM EDT You are 21 years old. You are 262 months old. You are 1,139 weeks old. You are 7,976 days old. You are 191,440 hours old. You are 11,486,441 minutes old. You are 689,186,472 seconds old.