- Transformers - X-Men - Sandman - Get Fuzzy - Calvin and Hobbes
Dunno. Don't have many friends here since I'm not the most social of the members. >_>;;
I would be Naminé. She's definitely not without her uses. If you really think about her power, she can obvious do some serious damage to someone. The fact that her power is limited only to people who are connected to Sora does not hinder this at all; look at how many people are connected to Sora. Each of them were affected when Naminé was working on re-chaining his memories. She could use that to her advantage to seriously screw someone up. Then, consider this; Kairi has the ability to use a Keyblade, however short-lived that ability appears to be. If Kairi can wield a Keyblade, why not Naminé? Then there are some other reasons why I'd be Naminé, but a couple of them have to do with my preferences. XD
Last one I bought was Disturbed's latest album. I cannot for the life of me remember what the title was and I'm too lazy to go look it up. DX
My biggest fear is being left alone. Not like being the only one in the house or anything like that, but more the everyone has left me kind of alone.
Bar: Elysian Drink: I don't know what I'd call it, but it'd have a shot of vodka, some kind of fruity liqueur, Sprite and a twist of passionfruit.
I like him enough. I wouldn't say he's my favorite character, but he's definitely an okay one. I'm a little interested in reading, if you'll link us to the fic when it's posted.
I'm going to say Tear from Tales of the Abyss, since that is a very anime video game and I hear it actually is getting an anime. Though my information source does stand a chance at being wrong. Other anime, I don't know. I haven't watched any good anime in a while. Tatsuki from Bleach was always a favorite of mine.
*looks at him again* Well, he's certainly got the looks. *totally looking in the wrong place*
Which one's Marluxia? I can see which would be Lexaeus, but not Marly. D:
I know there's a trick to it, but I can never do it either. D: I'm too slow. My sister can do it, but I can't.
Well, I think we've found Larxene's Somebody.
Happy birthday and congrats on making it to 19! *gives you 19 oreos, 19 Pixy Stix, and 19 oz of Mountain Dew because she drank the other 5 oz in the bottle*
Marry me. Animated has it's good points, but I mostly only watch it out of morbid curiosity. They destroyed Prowl. D<
I don't exactly hate people whose grammar and spelling are horrendous, but it really gets on my nerves when I see paragraphs full of spelling errors, lack of punctuation, run-on sentences and the like. It's especially annoying when English is their native language and they should know better. I'm a little more lenient when I know the poster is young and prone to the occasional mistake, but when there's someone who's, say, my age (21) and has spoken and written in English their entire life, that's when I get really irritated. The whole short-cut spelling is extremely annoying to me, but I try to look past it, especially if it's on a spam board or some other board where no one really cares. However, if someone were to type in short-cuts in a board like the Discussion board here on KH-Vids, yes, I would probably poke the poster and ask them to please correct their response. I like being able to actually understand what they're saying when it comes to a debate on recent events. If it's just something like "lol guess wat i had 4 lunch 8D" on the spam board, I don't mind so much. And just to note, I know have to beat my head in with my keyboard for even typing that atrocity. DX
You mean the original G1 that aired in the 80's? :3
- When you tell them that Inuyasha/Yugi/Light/Sasuke/etc is not in love with them. Gets quite a few of the Mary-Sue fic-writers upset. :3 *loves doing that to them* Also: - Telling them that your OTP is better than their OTP. - Telling them that Inuyasha should be paired with Sesshomaru (I love the reactions from that one)
Depends on what the girl is like. There can be several signs. If this girl was like me, shy and quiet, she'd probably glance at you a lot and act a little nervous around you. If she's a little more confident in herself, she might talk to you a lot, smile at you with a bit of a blush over her cheeks and ask you if you'd like to hang out. If there's a lot of incessant giggling involved, don't believe it if a friend of the girl tells you that she likes you; that's usually a sign of a joke, at least from what I've seen. >_>;; If she geniunely likes you, she'll probably drop a few obvious hints, like write notes to you in class, ask you to sit with her at lunch, ask if she can join you for something. Like I said, it really depends on what kind of girl she is. If you've known her for a while, think about how she acted when she first met you and how she acts around you now. Consider how she acts around you in general compared to other people.
I didn't like the idea of it for the longest time until my friend brought it and her PS2 to a beach outing with a bunch of our other friends, put the controller in my hand and told me to at least try it before thinking it was dumb. Got addicted to it pretty quickly, actually.
Reeeeally old joke that's not even funny anymore in my opinion. >_>;;