omg yeah I saw it... I think its axel... or maybe someone else. I could just be one of those kh things that they could explain or just leave you to make your own conclusion on... hard to say if they will go more in depth with that. here is a screen I took (i changed the lighting a little so you could see it better) and for those of you who are wondering its in the 3rd day of twilight town
I say kh re: com because we will finally be able to hear Marluxia's voice :3
I wish it would be made for wii! I really dont think kh3 would be on wii though.. it would be cool, I think it would play kinda like Zelda tp, 3rd person and you swing the remote to swing the keyblade... That would be neat but it will never happen. Although square might release something else on it and it could be kh related because of the CoM... hmm I dunno that could be just me and my cursed fangirlism talking.
hmm I think that toy story would definitely be awesome and finding nemo :P what I would like is.... hmmm... *runs to go check collection of Disney movies* OH YEAH! I would like to see the world where the princesses of heart live. Y know like snow whites world (its gonna be in the kilala princess manga :P) and stuff like that. I know that seems kinda lame >< but I would like to see them in their own world. You remember sleeping beauty said maleficient was in her world... well lets go see it! and it would add to the new plot I think
*ok I didn't have time to read all these post so I just read the first few pgs* Personally I liked the Disney. It did add a bit of comic relief to the story line but if you are going to do that make the general story line darker! In khIII if there were no references to Disney I would be disappointed. You can take a lot of the Disney stuff out in khIII but keep at least some to tie it in with the other games. I also agree there should be ff worlds. If sora were to go to the FFVII world (I don't think it even has a name) its kinda big and would be weird if you just went to one place. I don't really know. But really make the story line darker, put in less Disney, and add more ff references like have cloud talk or mention midgar!(or edge I guess) maybe add Marlene or Denzel something more!
oh wow first post ... Right now I'm listing to Asterisk by orange range