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  1. hrabbit
    ive done that b4 :D

    yeah im bored too all I have to do is hw >_< wish there was more kh info like a kh2 fm trailer or something to keep us occupied while we wait til kh3 >_< well for those of you who read mangas kilala princess is coming out on the 9th (there was a preview in the back of the CoM manga) its like the girly version of kh :D maybe even a little too girly for me even though *sigh*


    *yawn* guess I'll go STUDY now....
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. hrabbit
    I think the first game because I had to be at level like 90 to beat him (i know n00b lol) but in kh2 it took me a lot more tries when I was at level 54 hmmmmm I still say first game was the harder Sephiroth
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. hrabbit
    yeah that would be cool too ^ and some cool ff worlds would be sweet too ^_~

    I just realized.... THEY HAVE TO HAVE TRAVERSE TOWN!!!! or at least whatever happened to it (i dunno maybe it could have disappeared when sora closed kh :'( *tear* I hope not)
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. hrabbit
    OMG I HATE HIM!!!! but I love Roxas soooo..... my best friend says she loves him *pukes* but she doesn't like Roxas (or kh that much either) soooo I guess you have to like one or the other :p I think he did do good voice acting though
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. hrabbit
    I like to say the word UVER.... is that weird :D? wait dont answer that :p
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. hrabbit
    WHOOOOOOO this is fun :D I love the strobe lights *stares at lights* oooooo pretty lights ^^ and the music and the tacos this party rocks!
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. hrabbit
    Yeah they would have to let pixar in on the whole kh deal... there are hardly any current Disney movies that didn't use pixar to make them all animated and stuff :P. Personally I would like to see where all the Disney princess live like snow white and Cinderella... but that may be cause im a girl lol
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. hrabbit


    all this dream talk is making me feel... i dunno... like day dreaming (well technically its 10 at night and I should actually go to bed soon :P)

    I feel like dream are your bodies way of letting you know about you emotions better. Like I dream mostly about adventure ,cause I'm still kinda young, I feel like I cant do anything adventurous really yet. I also have kh dreams.... a lot of them too.... which usually involve sora crashing the gummi ship in my back yard or on the way to my school and I usually convince him to take me and my best friend (who doesn't even like kh) to go with him.... yeah I know weird/freaky.

    Then Ive had the dreams that foretell the future... yes I have some of those. but its nothing special like if I have one of those kh dreams then the next day something good involving kh happens almost always.... like I had one the night before I found out the release date to kh2 no lie. and I had a dream about fishing in Zelda twilight princess like a month before it came out and when I fished in the game it looked exactly the same (even the waterfall locations and ducks and stuff) that dream really scared me cause it was so accurate....
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 6, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. hrabbit
    party still on?

    *slowly walks in*
    do we have any chips? chips rock :P omg ya know what we need!?!??!?! MUSIC!!!!!

    *starts playing hikki songs* to be exact we need "One night magic" by hikki "Motto motto motto, motto motto aetara"

    ^_~ I like hikki.... and Gackt.... and UVERworld.... and ORANGE RANGE.... and Ayaka.... and Yui..... and glay.... and *goes off to name other Japanese artist*

    btw I brought waffles with soap in them.... and muffins with extra sugar.... and ham........ yeah

    *starts break dancing*

    (wonder who will change the song first *shifty eyes*)
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 6, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. hrabbit
    I love ORANGE RANGE and when I heard that one of their new songs was gonna be in a pocky commercial I had to see it....

    k I never knew pocky had a commercial in the first place.... but I think its awesome! and random

    it is pretty funny u have to admit and I love the boots she has on! Strangely enough watching a japanese girl dance around with pocky made me wanna eat some... *mmmmm pocky, i love you soo*

    btw the song is DANCE2 by ORANGE RANGE
    Thread by: hrabbit, Jan 5, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. hrabbit
    yeah who doesn't love hikki lol ^_~

    I was listing to hikki's "Uso mitaina I love you" but it just ended and now its CHANCE! by UVERworld!!!!!! (i just love some good jpop :P)
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. hrabbit
    HEY U DIDNT MAKE A #!! oh! thats random lol i get it! (i think...)
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. hrabbit
    2112 ^_^ i luv random stuff!
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. hrabbit
    I think this game will be totally awesome! I love it so far ^^ cant wait til ti comes out here! and it does look like a ghetto kh >.> and all the characters are hexa skinny
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 5, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  15. hrabbit
    random.... lol whats to get?
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. hrabbit

    this is kinda cool ^_^
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. hrabbit
    omg I like animal crossing... but this seems horrible X_X I guess this would be like if kh was a movie... something stupid like this @_@ no square wouldn't allow that
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 5, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. hrabbit
    I hear all kinds of stuff at school and I can say I do take part in some cussing(sometimes more than others ^_^)... but I feel like high school kids just dont understand because some of my friends say stuff like "WHERE THE **** HAVE YOU BEEN ALL DAY!?!!?!" and they come running in for like a hug and laugh ans stuff.... but if I said that to like say my mom or something she would probably slap me! Personally, cussing doesn't affect me (I actually like it when used at appropriate times while playing video games ;D) I would never cuss in front of my parents or like little kids or something, but around kids my age its just another exclamation word like saying OMG on the internet.

    OH and my view on cussing on the internet, only when its used to start ticking off a loser who's being a jerk ^^ oooor when your using it to say something soo totally amazing (most likely about kh lol)
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 5, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. hrabbit
    hey thats a cool idea and Im sure there are a lot of people who would love to have more ff characters and worlds in kh but ummm....


    didnt kadaj die???

    <spoiler end>

    I really dont they would reincarnate him just for kh3 so he could be one of the knights
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. hrabbit
    Hikari sounds too much like kairi to me... but it does make a wicked last name for sora^^
    personally I would go with


    im not really sure (my mind feels blank right now -_-') ... I hope they do release real last names... I think it would be cool and I would try to change my last name like immediately to whatever sora's would be ^^

    ps: wouldn't sora and roxas have the same last name? or at least an anagram of sora's last name would be roxas'
    Post by: hrabbit, Dec 31, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX