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  1. hrabbit
    3108 "traffic jams in Tokyo, new music on the radio" i <3 hikki ^^
    Post by: hrabbit, Feb 9, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. hrabbit
    =o i <3 ur siggy! ^^

    let me think.... i would like... OMG I CANT THINK!!!! ooo whats my fav kh part X_X

    well its not my fav... but i would like twilight town day 5 the part with roxas and namine talking (i couldn't think of a better namine scene ^^)

    twilight town day 5
    from 3:18 to about4:33 (well the part where it flashes out i cant tell my computer is being slow)

    EDIT: OMG OMG wait if you can do this instead for me please!!!!!
    Flcl episode 3
    from:2:14 to 4:38 (if u can fit that)

    Ps: take your time ^^ I dont mind waiting like a week or two
    Post by: hrabbit, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  3. hrabbit
    *gasp* =O omg those are good ^^
    Post by: hrabbit, Feb 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. hrabbit

    yeah I guess that does make sense the way you put it
    Post by: hrabbit, Feb 3, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. hrabbit


    or as some people call it fooly cooly or furi kuri

    anyone else watch it? there's only 6 episodes and I love them all!!!!!! I guess this would technically be my first anime.... so i might just be saying "OMG!!! ITS LIKE TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!" cause i dont know what else to compare it to (no i don't feel like watching Inuyasha at the moment -_-')... but i also got the 2 volume manga... that was umm... interesting.... very dark.... but back to the anime I thought it was really funny and had tons and tons and tons of puns in it that i know some people didn't get.....


    and i think i may be one of the very few people who understood it my first time watching it ^^

    anyone else like it (or hate it...)???
    Thread by: hrabbit, Feb 3, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. hrabbit
    last dinosaur- by the pillows

    FOOLY COOLY!!! lol ;)
    Post by: hrabbit, Feb 3, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. hrabbit
    what if what everyone said so far was true and was made into kh3 O_o that would be one messed up kh game lol
    Post by: hrabbit, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. hrabbit
    Ok when I played kh2 i though that in the sora vs roxas thing in the world that never was roxas said "Why did they keyblade choose you?" but when I was making a kh vid I watched that scene over again and he said "why did HE choose you?"

    who is "he"? was he referring to riku? or something eles?

    just wondering what you think
    Thread by: hrabbit, Jan 29, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. hrabbit
    I have had dreams where i died in them... it was a little creepy but calming at the same time (if that makes any sense O_o) i wouldn't consider it a "nightmare" but I love dreams like that ^^ I have a lot actually... like where something really really weird happens and I'm calm and collective about it... I totally understand....

    and is it true that you would sleep an extra hour? O_o never heard of that
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 29, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. hrabbit
    very nice indeed ^_^ you sound like me... i have tons of time on my hands and a humongous imagination....

    anyways it will HAVE to have a hikki song (if it doesnt i may explode.... which is bad) and you know there will be new characters in it (duh >.>) and hmm... lots of flash backs and its gotta be a fmv! I would like something upbeat like simple and clean remix but I dont think it will be, most likely it will be slow like sanctuary and maybe have a little rock remix in it but definately slow.
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. hrabbit
    *don't kill me if there is a thread like this already (i did look and I didn't see one)*
    What is you feeling about obsessions? are the necessary, or do they just cause problems in life, or are they both. I bet there are at least a few people on here who are obsessed with, kh, video games, or just general anime stuff. Do you think that having an obsession is a good thing? People can be obsessed with all kinds of things like school, friends, boys, girls, kh, anime, dogs, cats, plants, well almost anything you can think of! But is it really bad?

    Personally I think it is good to have an obsession but it can be bad. Like I tend to get obsessed with one thing for about a month and then find something else to get hooked on (but I will always love kh!). And I think its really healthy because then I have something that gives me joy every day and helps me relax at the end of the day(but shouldn't life and my family do the same thing @_@). It can be bad if someone refuses to do anything else but just focus on their obsession. But sometimes you just need alone time or to hang out with other people who share your obsession and can relate you... ACK! it soo confusing @_@ soo what do ya think? good or bad?
    Thread by: hrabbit, Jan 20, 2007, 31 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. hrabbit


    I think it is because people want to be loved. They think that money and fame is what attracts lots and lots of people who care about you. That's really the bottom line, it may sound Corny but everyone just wants to be cared about by other people.
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. hrabbit
    I <3 gir! invaded zim is one of my fav cartoon shows! I watch it like every day on nicktoons lol!
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. hrabbit

    OMG YEAH! I wanna hear marluxia too *tear*

    ffXIII looks UVER cool ^_^ definitely getting that... whenever I get around to buying a ps3
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. hrabbit
    ^ aww that sucks :(

    but I would have liked to play as some disney characters like mulan or something.... and I would like to have it where you could take donald or goofy out of your party for a bit hehehe they can get annoying
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. hrabbit
    ok ok i was too lazy to read pgs 2-3 so I'm just going to state my opinion

    if kh3 came out on ps3 or xbox360 I am buying one of those and putting a reserve on kh3 asap. That is how fan-girlish I am ^_^ but personally I would like to see it on wii because kh is a little cartoonish and doesn't really need xbox or ps graphics. That is my opinion kill me if u want.
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. hrabbit
    Final Distance- Utada Hikaru ^__^
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. hrabbit
    I really wasnt a big disney music fan until I played kh ^_^
    but I really liked Reflection from Mulan. after kh2 I like under the sea ^_~ you cant beat the way sora sings it though rotfl!
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 12, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  19. hrabbit
    there are a lot of little things like that in kh that bother me >> but this could be one of those things that they could build on.... or not.... it probably has no relevance whatsoever to the plot of kh
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. hrabbit

    that makes the most sense to me :p I always wondered what happened to him *looks around the room* he just sorta disappeared... creepy

    other than that I think he would be sora's dad.... maybe no one knows yet but it *could* make sense because you do... hear... soras mom.... in kh ...ahh forget that
    Post by: hrabbit, Jan 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX