Koian was about to walk away when she stopped and saw a fancy gun come flying at her. Covering her face with her hands just in case it would hit her. Slipping one eye open she saw it floating in front of her. She grabbed it and examined it. It had her number on it: XIII. Koian was once a Assassin for a league of killers wanting to change the world. Her number was XIII.
Namine woke up and walked out into the hall with her night gown on. Going to the kitchen she grabbed a bottle of milk and popped it open. Drinking it she walked back to her room and continued to drink it at her desk. She was half asleep.
Angel sat down and said "Here" when needed. When Zen was called she just looked down and said nothing.
"Okay. Stay clam. Ill get some rope." She yelled clamly down and turned to Mai. "Can you get some rope?" She asked to her.
"It could happen." She said smirking.
Namine continued to dream. Nothing special about it. Nothing really. Just the same dream only Roxas turned into a bunny and Axel was making out with Larxene. Roxas was saying, "Im late! im late, Im late! Im late!" He was running and jumped into a rabbit hole. Inside she found Olette and him making out.
posting back to u
Koian's eyes went wide with shock. "I would have never done this!" She said shocked.
Koian looked blankly at him. "Excuse me. Who are you?" She asked confused and stopped in her tracks.
Fang, Iggy, and Nudge strangely had the same classes together. Angel smiled and nodded. She pointed down the hall to show Fang where to go. "That way to your class." She said and Fang nodded following the pointing finger. Nudge followed closely behind him. Angel smiled at Max and started walking down the hall the other way.
Larxene smirked and said, "I dont know. Dont ask me."
Koian gets up slowly and walks away confused. She kept her right eye closed still, but the bleeding had stopped.
Namine dreamed a long dream of her and Roxas sitting on the clock tower in twilight town. Axel and Saix were getting beat up by her nobodies and heartless. Meanwhile Larxene was destroying Vexen and Xigbar.
"I guess..." Angel said looking a little sad. Nudges face brightened when she heard that. Fang nodded toward the women behind the desk. Angel walked up and thought, Make files on my 'brothers' and 'sisters'. Shoving the thought into her Angel said, "My brothers and sisters would like to enroll into this school."
Masako leaned over to see what was inside. "Naru!" She yelled down into the well.