Roxas was pretty awesome in Kingdom Hearts II, even though he was just introduced in their latest game in the US. By the way, I've JUST noticed that it turned form day to night in your animation HigherBeing, at first I thought they were continuous motions!
It would be seriously awesome and thrilling if Riku was the Final Boss for a future Kingdom Hearts game!
You may be right about that, I've never thought of it, but yeah, a lot of other non-Keyblade Wielders seem to know how to control the Keyblade and send it back to the original wielder without any trouble whatsoever.
My book fair has the exact same thing!
So, is my theory correct then, Shadows of Oblivion?
I sent Wabba a private message way before he made that post!! Edit: Thanks for reading my post, Wabba, I appreciate it! Good luck on your tests!:D
Not me because I didn't order one...yet, but that's strange...
Sora Mode, Final Boss: First, add at least three Cloud cards to your deck. Walk into the final room and then break one of Marluxia's scythes on the machine, because you need to do that before you can attack Marluxia. This battle is a lot more annoying than it is hard. After you've done that, attack the other scythe iuntil it gets to about 1 HP. After that, reload your cards, and use the enemy card, Jafar to prevent Marluxia from breaking your attack cards. When you're finished reloading your cards, make sure you are at full HP, and then break the second scythe with your lowest leveled attack card or weakest attack card. Basically when Marluxia uses his card that sends his ship flying towards you, break his card with a 9 or a 0 or whatever one you decide to use. After that, climb on the machine, and attack Marluxia with all your Cloud cards (not sleights!!) before you are thrown off of the ship. When Marluxia sends out his "Laser Petals," do not attack them, you will just waste your time.Wait for them to attack, and then break their cards. Be prepared to have some remaining cards after you destroy all of them because Marluxia will repeat his attacking process. Basically, for all of his attacks, you just brea his cards and then attack him on the ship with Cloud cards, which I suggest you don't use anytime else during this battle, until Marluxia fianlly dies. Just remember all of that, and you houldn't have much of a problem. P.S. Add a lot of 9 leveled Kingdom Keys to your deck when facing Marluxia's Final Form. Riku Mode, Final Boss: Start by unleashing combinations of two attacks on Ansem, (since the Heartless Guardian will always block your critical attack combo finishsher) and then use the "Parasite Cage" enemy card immediately when Ansem activates his enemy card. Break his sleight that turns the whole screen black immediately, or else, you will more than likely, die. You can just attempt to dodge his "Rockbreaker" sleight, or break it if you have a 0 or something. When you get enough DP to use Dark Form, transform into Dark Form, and then use the Malificent card to amplify your atack power. Attack Ansem as much as possible, breaking his sleights along the way. Pick up all of the King Mickey cards that drop during this battle to cure yourself (emegerncy only, flshing red health) during the battle. Ansem uses mostly 6,7,8, and 9 level cards, so be prepared to use your enemy cards, especially Jafar, or Trickster. Repeat this process until you defeat Ansem. Edit: naruto0389, did you get all of that? If not, please send me a private message.
It's ok, burnitup, life is never too perect, there are ups and downs, mostly downs, but that's life. It's ok, it only shows that you're human.
You're right, but why not take advantage of a sleight and use "Stun Impact" or something to give you time to stall?
I think Jafar would work pretty well. Sonic Blade's accuracy is a little questionable and inflicts no negative side feects to the enemy whatsoever, maybe not such a good sleight for this battle. Use a lot of 9 leveled Kingdom Keys (because Captain Hook has seriously high leveled cards) in your deck (to save CP for additonal Cure cards and stuff) and you should be fine, DiveIntoTheHeart.
Do you have the "All Zeros" card? It could really help. If you don't try to find a lot of 8 and 9 leveled atatck cards so that you could card break his bomb attack, and use a 9 + 9+ 9 sleight when he is using a powerful sleight of his own, if not use a 0
Administrators can move threads? I'm beginning to think that I didn't read all of the rules, which I think I did...
Isn't that sketch of the Marluxia Scythe Machine after you defeated hm the first time? I think it is. It's a really good sketch again! I wish I could give you reputation points, but I can't right now...
It's true. I think his life was completely tortured by the fact that he's not an individual person, but connected with Sora, and also by the fact that he is a "Nobody"...
Ok, I will, thanks for the offer!
Hi, welcome back to kh-vids, I just joined, this forum is awesome! By the way, I'm not doing the moderator's job, am I? Sorry if I am.
Ordering steak in a steak house, that would have been my first answer, also! Edit: You're the person that HigherBeing referred to this forum, right? Please send me a private message to this question, please.
I think that Riku just knocked Roxas unconscious, not killed him. I don't think you play as anyone, its just a cutscene.
I listen to "The 13th Reflection" when I am sad. I don't get sad that often now of days, ever since I joined kh-vids, I love these forums!