Ok, but just to let you know, I'm editing my post (below) slightly. --[Text on the sig]- The scent was very similar to the Superior's. Exactly similar, if I may say. --[Font]- Kingdom Hearts Font (there's one that exists) --[Sig Type]- Regular Signature Type --[Sig Description]- ??? --[Color(s)]- Colors that match with the signature image. --[Picture(s)]- Zexion image(s) --[Animation]- Example, Rain, Text Fade, etc.-Rain will do. --[OTHER]- Can you please write my username on the signature also, please? (On the bottom right hand corner)
Yeah, perhaps that's why the creators are continuing the story of Final Fantasy VII from diferent points of view. Crisis Core looks pretty good if you ask me. Edit: I hear from a lot of people that these are the order of their favorite/the best (opinion) FF games. Here's what I've heard. 1. Final Fantasy VI 2. Final Fantasy VII 3. Final Fantasy XII
They still do? I should buy/reserve myself a copy right now!
It's a shame. I didn't get the PS1 back then, instead I waited and then got the PS2, therefore I missed some of the most famous FF games.
O_o Safer Sephiroth? Like a better defense form? Ok, nevermind I said that.
Sorry, I have to leave now...see you tomorrow?
I am a little lost here...
Here is a link to a Kingdom Hearts II Xigbar Battle Guide, I hope it helps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOSDmAeMoQM P.S. About Sora's Anti Form, it occurs randomly when you transform into either Valor, Wisdom, or Master Form (not Final Form!). Each time you transform into any one of the forms I listed, you recieve one "Anti Point". The maximum Anti Points you can recieve is 25. Each Anti Point represents the percentage that you will transform into Anti Form instead of the form you selected. However, when you transform into Final Form, you will lose 10 or all of your Anti Points. When you transform into Anto Form, you will also lose all of your Anti Points. Wow, that was a mouthful.
Well, if you can can narrow his HP bar down that low, you probably won't need a complete strategy. Now, about those annoying bombs that can seriously hurt you, Card Break them! Stock up crazy high leveled (Level 9 or 0 Kingdom Key, highly recommended) cards and then Card Break his bomb attack!
Well, attack him physically and break his cards a lot, that is all I can say since he doesn't use sleights and stuff. Use a lot of Cure cards when you need it (HP Critical) and use a lot of high leveled Kingdom Key cards and you'll be fine.
Well, the only thing I can say is to skip the cutscenes if you have already viewed them before. If you haven't, kh-vids probably has them. This game requires patience to complete throughly...
http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=35660 Please read my post...I hope this helps!
The best Keyblade(s) that you could use are Ultima Weapon, Oblivion, Oathkeeper, Fatal Crest, or Descisive Pumpkin. Why? Ultima Weapon: MP Hastega Oblivion: Form Power Boost Oathkeeper: Form Time Boost Fatal Crest: Berserk Descive Pumpkin: Increases damage the more attacks per combo. I think that was right...
Ok, first, equip your strongest equipment to Sora, your second strongest equipment to Donald, and your third strongest equipment to Goofy. When Demyx summons his Water Clones and that seemingly impossible ten second rule appears, grab a Water Clone and run to the area where there is the most water clones and destroy them all, accuracy is important! Once you defeat his Water Clones, he will attack you with his Water Pillar Spell things, these are hard to evade, so be ready to Cure yourself or use Potions/Ethers. This boss isn't that difficult to defeat once you have mastered those two attacks, just attack him physically or transform into Valor or Wisdom Form to amplify the power of your attacks/attack with projectiles. Does this help? If it doesn't, feel free to PM me, hopefully I'll come up with something...
Alright, here is another one of my boss battle guides from the top of my head(what I remembered): Before going into the battle, be sure you have a lot of Cure cards, I would say at least 9 of them. Ok, maybe that is a little too much, but you get the point, just have a lot of high leveled Cure cards in your deck before going into the battle. Equip a lot of 9 leveled Kingdom Key (a LOT of them) cards in your deck to save CP for more cards. Riku Replica is one aggresive boss, however, you can use his questionable accuracy against him. Anyway, equip the Jafar, Vexen, Oogie Boogie, Dragon Malificent, and maybe the Ursula enemy cards to your deck. Be ready to mash buttons fast if you want to stay alive. I highly recommend that you have a lot of CP for Cure and Kingdom Key cards. Oh yeah, and also have some Potion, or High Potion, or Mega Potion cards. An Elixir or Megalixer card(s) would work fine also, but only use those in emergencies. Beginning of the Battle: I can guarantee you that at the beginning of the battle, Riku will activate his "Shadow" enemy card which has an effect called Incremetor that increases the level of all his cards by 1 until he reloads his deck once or twice (Sorry, I forgot...). Anyway, pay attention to the cards that Riku Replica has stocked up. If you catch a glimpse of the words "Dark Aura" or "Dark Firaga," stock up three high leveled Kingdom Key cards and break his sleight immediately. You could also try my "Technick" of "evading" Dark Aura by quickly memorizing his patterns (he will probably use the same pattern for every battle) and then avoiding them when you feel like you have memorized the pattern (this might take a few attempts, restart the battle when you are ready to avoid his sleight) by running in the opposite direction of Riku Replica's Soul Eater sword and then preforming a Dodge Roll (tap the directional pad twice rapidly) when his blade draws near. However, when he uses his final attack during his Dark Aura sleight, you might not be able to avoid it on time. If you were hit by his final attack, (those dark pillar things that blast from the ground) you will be "confused" (the controls for Sora will be reversed until Riku Replica attacks you. Ex. Up = Down, Down = Up, Right = Left, Left = Right, you get my point, right?). When he uses his "Dark Firaga" sleight, you could either Card Break it or run behind Riku Replica (you must be directly behind him to evade the sleight). Middle of the Battle: As Riku Replica's HP Bar gets to the blue section, he will use his sleight more often and attack you more. As usual, try to break his sleights without using too many of your cards. If Riku Replica attacks you normally, try to dodge it and then follow it up with a three-hit combo, or Card Break his attack and then unleash a combo. There is pretty much nothing new here. You will get more chances to attack him currently, so use the Dragon Malificent card and instead of reloading your cards, use one of your Potion cards instead. This is the part of the battle where you have to try and unleash 10 accurate combos on Riku Replica. Near the End of the Battle: When Riku Replica's HP Bar gets to the green section, he will go berserk on you! In case he uses a Dark Firaga sleight, use the Ursula enemy card to halve the damage you take...if you take any. When the Ursula card "expires," use the Jafar enemy card and attack him a lot again. If your HP is extremely low, (HP Critical - flashing red health) use the Oogie Boogie enemy card to Regen your HP. During that time, try to evade his attacks as much as possible, it won't be easy, I can assure you that, but it's going to pay off. Now, if you think that you're going to die and you cannot do anything about it, use your Vexen card - it will help. This boss was one fierce boss battle, but if you manage to do this, you should be able to survive. Edit: I hope this helps, and if you notice anything wrong in this information, feel free to PM me, I'm extremely bored anyway.
Yeah, Sephiroth was an annoying boss, especially when he uses his "Sin Harvest" attack. Anyway, here is a link to a video on Youtube, (more of a guide to defeating Sephiroth) I hope this helps! Sephiroth Guide Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir8AXWDg_lY Sephiroth Proud Mode Boss battle Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6llp8ZL_9yA (This guy is a bit over leveled) Virtual Cookie, please? Edit: I arrived at this thread a bit late, did I not?
I would ignore them to death. It works. Whenever someone insults me or something, I jut ignore them until they get bored and leave. Actually, never mind that. As I proceeded throughout the grades, that technick didn't work anymore. Try inulting yourself or agreeing with their insult. They might think you're wierd for one day or so, but after that, they usually leave you alone and select a new victim. People are usually like that in my school...but that's just my point of view. Yes, I know it sounds wierd, I'm not sure this plan is even full-proof, but it worked for me...somehow.
Equip these weapons to your party members at The World That Never Was: Sora: Sweet Memories and Lucky Lucky Ring Donald: Meteor Staff Goofy: Genji Shield These weapon have the "Lucky Lucky" effect that makes enemies drop better items (at least that was what I remembered the effect was) Go to the Proof of Existance and run around until Assassins start to spawn. Chain Assassins until you obtain the Twilight Gem - you might have to exit the room and re-enter it because Twlight Gems are rare, especially on Proud Mode. It might be very irritating after a while, but it's worth the time for the Ultima Weapon Keyblade.
Hmm...I've never noticed that! Perhaps because Tetsuya Nomura wanted it so?
Weren't the books called Lexicons? (Lexicon means dictionary in a foreign language, I forgot which one)