Yeah, I was about to ask the same thing as kikame? How is Zexion a goth? He doesn't have much of gothic features...(that didn't sound right for some reason) Edit: I think he's just a regular Nobody, as kikame also said... Edit II: Just because Zexion is quiet and reads his book a lot doesn't mean he's Goth, he just probably loves to read. He's not Goth, his elemnt is Darkness, which is why he has a black book and everything... Edit III: Zexion is in the Darkness most of the time because he job is to work in Castle Oblivion's basement, which is ore than likely dark... Edit IV: Please don't take this personally, in whatever way you think of this post, burnitup...:D
I agree with OrgXIIIfan, all of the Organization XIII Members listed there would be in those houses if they lived in the Harry Potter World, which now that I think of it, would be kinda funny and scary at the same time.
A lot of people in my school say that if you have a myspace, you are officially emo. *I don't have a Myspace* *The real Zexion isn't emo either* *seriously*
Sorry I just disappeared yesterday, I forgot to leave a note or something. Perhaps I'll randomly vanish again today. Who knows? I certainly don't.
Hi, burnitup, you were the member that made the long story, right? Yeah, I loved the first part, when I have a lot of spare time, I'll read the second part! P.S. I gave you some positive "Karma" for the first part of your story, since it looked like you put in a lot of effort, along with all of the other members that helped you with the story.:D
I'm here, but sadly, not for long...*homework*
Sure, no problem.
Why did you smash your own head against a wall, burnitup?
When I get bored, I usually try to draw a detailed Robot, and try to think of gadgets to place on its exterior. Its pretty time consuming if you're bored and want to make time go by faster. It always wroks for me. Eventaully, I actually WANT to continue drawing. There's my suggestion, of course, you don't have to do it.:D
kikame, I like your song that you made on Youtube, Rain.:D
You're welcome, but I should be thanking you for writing such a story, you even made a video along with the story! Your story owns!
Wow, burnitup, if your story becomes famous, hopefully The Organization Misfits will become famous also! Nice job!
Your story looks good, and it even comes with a video, I'll be sure to read it over the weekend.
Descriptions like "Merlin's Housekeeper", "Moogle's Assistant", "Twilight Town Citizen", etc.
A story? Ok, good luck. By the way, do you know how to change your description? (The phrase that describes you under your avatar)
Hi, everyone, I just joined "The New Organization Misfits," and I'm going to try and post as much as possible (without spamming) when I have the chance to get online.
Even though this is not a battle/versus poll. I'll try to think of a battl;e result anyway, out of sheer boredom. Sora isn't a dualwielder, but on the other hand, Roxas is. During the official battle in the game, you will have several attempts to steal Roxas' Oblivion and Oathkeeper Keyblades, however, you cannot use them if you are in a Drive Form. Roxas focuses too much on using Light Element Projectial Attacks , which in the case, are easier to dodge/evade than Roxas' Keyblade Strikes, because he can attack with the Keyblades a lot since he wields two of them, and Sora cannot dodge them unless he uses Superglide and/or High Jump + Aerial Dodge. Sora can control his Keyblade fairly well, but cannot unleash a leathal combo, since he only has one Keyblade. Sora can use Magicks, but they are not that effective against Roxas. This battle is pretty hard, considering that both Sora and Roxas have advantages and disadvantages. However, when Sora steals Roxas' Keyblades, Roxas will have no choice but to use his projectial attacks, if Sora attacks Roxas with his own Keyblades, it will do a vast amount of damage, depending on how long Sora manage to keep Roxas' Keyblades in hand. Here are my opinions for the battle result. Ultimate Result: Tie or Victory=Sora
I don't know, Darkandroid, but just thinking about it gives me the chills. Good thing I haven't uploaded any videos of Kingdom Hearts Gameplay or anything yet...
Battle Results You know, I used to think this stuff was funny. Now I just think its sad once I picture it in my mind. I mean seriously, Sora, Master of the Keyblade vs. Winnie the Pooh, Master of Honey? Do I even need to give out a battle result for this poll? Ultimate Result: Victory=Sora
Your handwriting is not bad, its pretty good actually.