were back ^.^
i get irritated with this site to but i love this site ecuase its the only goodest kingdom hearts forum out there.
i dont spam outside the spam zone so its just my grammer? i really want to be everyones friend.
i wasnt trying to be mean i was asking a real meaning question.
"crys" i dont wanna leave this forum or spamzone but people are being mean to n00bs and when i get mad at them for that they call me a n00b. waaahhh!!! EDIT- that wasnt being mean that was a real question i needed ansered.
everyone plz sit. here is the speach i have a dream that n00bs can be them selves and not get judged by anybody. i have a dream this site is wear we can all be frinds with n00bs and non n00bs. i have a dream that threads talking about n00bs will be deleted. i have a dream that mods will be more nicer to n00bs. i have a dream that the word n00b will not be allowed i have a dream that this will all change. if you dont have anything good to say then dont say it at all.
what'r you talking about i never called anyone ugly in that thread i barley go to that thread.
well people are judgin people as n00bs no one is a n00b they are being them selves and yall should exept that.
me no leave me stay
i looked there and it wasnt there. and i really want one for my b-day which is febuary the 5th.
that was crap.
pretty neat i like it.
nice me to lol.
cloud walks in the club "hey everyone hows it going im cloud and im gonna rock the house" but before he could sing darkness roamed in the club "robin i need backup. robin busted yeah im here oh i see lets get a move on "kicks darkness in face"
kratos walked right in front of namine "hello may i help you im visiting kairi today kairi can namine come in? ok yeah come on in"
sora runs in the cave were riku and kairi was what did ya do riku? shes hurt sora rushes back to get a first aid kit sit up he puts a bandage on the scab ok good as new kairi.
well the reason my is so low is because i got the game like 3 days ago and i have no memory card lol.
were do you buy the axel or roxas plushies?
srry lol i meant heart.