cloud lookes at him with anger in his vains "bring it!! he screamed he slashed his sword at him but he blocked he knew he had to kill offhim and his twin he used and ulta bomb and they were never seen again(dont sighn me out cloud comes back) robing looked depressed he's gone he is really gone.
cloud grabs his sword and pops his tire"stop now!!!!" the motorcycle stoped cloud jumped off he was shocked!!! it was his long lost twin he pm'ed everyone to stay back hes to tough robin is shocked yo dude ill stay back yall that is the fight of your live.
pm's raven and zuck and robin"hey i almost got shot with a mysterious guy on a motorcycile im chasing him with my motorcycel get on yours and get out here and help" robin looks at his pm messeage "ok everyone we got to help cloud check your pm' machines that will tell you what to do" walks outside and gets on motorcycle"cloud im coming"
hmph no ones here.
"hmph this music store does not have my type of music but i barley listein to it im going outside to get some fresh air" cloud sees a motorcycle come bye and try to shoot him,cloud jumps right on his and chases the mysterious man. OMG!!!!!! they have it the all american rejects YAY!!!" gets the cd "whooo hooo!!!"
sora thinks"ummmm.... we could make a raft and go see other worlds"
actually, i think i can asner these questions here is my anser squar enix's games have been on ps2 or playstation its been teamed up with sony so whatever it goes on it would have to be something with sony so i think it would be on ps2 or ps3 or both.
look at vivi's eyes closely he looks like a darkness dressed up do you agree?
um name:cloudfinalfantasy character:cloud reason i wanna join:sounds great!
sora blushed"yeah, well i dont see you doing anything better"
i know but it looked like you tryed to draw me"
sora looks and he sees a hole he walks in a cave'hello? anyone here" he sees kairi and sees the boy with spiky hair(roxas) why does he look like me his eyes,his hair and the way he dresses.
in this one goofy is always close to me sometimes donald is a like 1 level below or 2.
THE ALL-AMERICAN REJECTS LYRICS "Move Along" Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking When you fall everyone stands Another day and you've had your fill of sinking With the life held in your Hands are shaking cold These hands are meant to hold Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong Move along, move along like I know you do And even when your hope is gone Move along, move along just to make it through Move along Move along So a day when you've lost yourself completely Could be a night when your life ends Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving All the pain held in your Hands are shaking cold Your hands are mine to hold Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong Move along, move along like I know you do And even when your hope is gone Move along, move along just to make it through Move along (Go on, go on, go on, go on) When everything is wrong, we move along (Go on, go on, go on, go on) When everything is wrong, we move along Along, along, along When all you got to keep is strong Move along, move along like I know you do And even when your hope is gone Move along, move along just to make it through [x3] (Go on, go on, go on, go on) Right back what is wrong We move along [fade out]
ive seen aar play at this walmart on youtube and they sounded pretty good.
sora knew he knew about some guys with black cloaks and there was 13 of them he wondered it any of his friends knew about them, it was the only thing he left out wtih his dream"kairi i forgot to tell you somethin in my dream there was 13 men in cloaks i forgot"
first of all how do you use hacks second of all i beat the guy with no cheats i figured out.
occ:ok sighn me up kairi walks in the outside she gets in the swimming pool and feels a tingel she looks in the pool and theres a snake. "AGHHHH theres a snake!!!!
im stuck on the level were you have to beat the guy named heavinaly armored solider i cant beat him if you past him can you tell me and if you have any cheats can you give me like unlimited health an unlimited ammo.
(occ: im a boy dangit fine ill be kairi)