I found this on the internet it says that organazation 13 means "the Thirteenth Order", that is how the Japanese people translate it heres the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_XIII and it tells all about the organazation members at the bottom.
I barley play as micky cause I barley die.
um.....Ok everyone thank you for rating my avatar.How do i make my own avatar?
is this avatar good.
"man i thought you would fall for it"sora walks in the cave and a yung man in a cloak runs pass him saying"run away!! runaway!!!" what the" and the man dissapears.
hi welcome to kh-vids read the rules dont spam if you need help on anything just pm me(private messeage)
i dont understand it is it fulll of girls and why is every finalfantasy game have different characters. well i like finalfantasy7 it was really good.
waaahhhh thats bad.
yeah i know i was just playing,HEY! are raft is done lets get on" raises up the sail flag"were off!!'
look at my avvy cause im a pimp.
i love it i wish i could do that. look at my avvy.
no this is not spam that pic was art and graphics and this is in the right section.
it cant be cause the guy in the armored suit has bown hair and kadaj has silver.
"fine i will" axel goes to look at demyx and breathes smoke in his face"you better be cool HA HA HA HA"
before saix ran off axel put a ring of fire around him"so hey nothing what about you" axel smirks.
cloud was not dead his strated coming from the sky he blades lok like wings his eys so serious and he never took his eyes off the ground he was not screaming he landed without getting hurt "i came back the explosion didnt kill me just my long lost brother i was born before him so it killed him." YOUR alive!!! yay!!! party!!
ok i will be axel name:cloudfinalfantasy character:axel why i want to join:sound fun axel looks at all the red clothing.
riku is lazy
they did make a finalfantasy movie,so why not a kh movie and after kh thay make khcom movie and then a kh2 movie and then a kh3 movie. that would be sweet!
sora sees a stack of wood in the cave he grabs it an and walks back"ok i got it"