no its tom cruise lol
50 year old lady lol would you rather stay home alone with micheal jackson or stay home alone with britney spears.
lets play a game its called guess who. who am i im cool i love aliens im married i'm famous.
ROFLOL thats hilarious good one were did you find it?
lol,and im not a jew he just looks like ray charles XD
demyx woke up in shock woah he thought he got out the pool grabbed saix and psuhed him in the pool then grabbed larxene and pushed her in the pool"thats for calling me a moron and dumping my head in the water!"
woah never thought i would see roxas getting marrie O.o
yeah but i said kh2
i have seen alot of people saying you can't be other characters in kingdom hearts well you can here is the list i have so far 1.riku-last level 30 seconds 2.chickenlittile-summon him then you can be him and throw baseballs 3.roxas-first 2 hours i think 4.sora-through out whole game. i will update soon
pirate would you rather be sora or roxas?
you joined january 2007 how coul you not seen her for a long time lol. but anyways congrats on wedding
kill all the heartless.
go home and spend time with kairi.(as in meaning mookiethekeytodestiny)
coltwater 45lol wuld you rather go to taco bell? or go home and starve to death?
Hmmmm.. we should make the best drawing on keyboard history we will be famous! ^U^ uu he has buck teeth
im using centra x
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groom-cloudfinalfantasy bride-mookiethekeytodestiny pianist-vidogamenerd245 bestman-the_burger_king im getting married so i opend up my wedding chapel so i can get married he other chapel zexion made it was chaos lol ok well here.
nevermind we got married by pm'ing each other so were married.
im wearing a black hat,black tenny shoes with white laces and a black shirt that says NBA in big white graffiti letters. i would post a pic but i dont have a digital camera.