Supernatural I do believe in the super natural. I've heard stories from some of my relatives and friends of things that have happend to them. I personally don't consider aliens something supernatural, if they do exist I just consider them beings from other planets with advance technology.
Oblivion I'd go with the oblivion, its one of my favriotes.
Kiss I hope that they do kiss in the next game, it be cool if they do it early in the game so that we could see their realtionship develop thourgh the game.
I think hes straight, I mean he was really worried about Riku which is why I think he was really glad and relieved to see him when he finally found him. Also he didn't know Kairi had changed so much which is why he was probaly surprised when she hugged him.
survived I think that he survied somehow, I think that since we fought Xheanort's Heartless in KH 1 and his Nobody in KH2 perhaps we'll fight xheanort himself in the next game.
Yuffie I voted for Yuffie, but Rikku would have been my second choice.
Area 51 That game was cool I really didn't get a chance to play that much cause it was my brother's but it was cool. I really liked the way some of the weapons looked and worked.
Check this video out, its what happens when Mario & Luigi visit Vice City. I should warn that it contains some languge. Well here it is enjoy.
Out of the three spells that appered in KH1 but that didn't appear in KH2 which one did you miss the most. I missed Aero, I liked because it was both good for offense and Deffense.
Quiz It said I was Sora, I got the same result on another quiz.
What If your refering to me then let me explain. I like Disney I have nothing agaisnt them, the reason I started the form was because I wanted to see what taught about Goffy's possible death thats all. If your not refering to me then who are you refering to.
Cool I liked Riku's KH2 colthing, I also liked Soras final form outfit.
Battles. I really liked the final battels in KH althought I thought some of them were a little to easy.
Cool This sounds like a cool idea, maybe they could do a contest were people could send in there disings and the winner or winners could have there desings featured in the next game.
RE I like RE, I haven't played all the games yet but I plan to. The first one I played was Code Veronica X, i've played RE ever since then. I'm also part of an RE forum.
DS If I have a DS when it comes out i'll buy it, the battle system looks cool.
Axel I doubt that he will return, also that thing behind the knight is not his weapon, I think its some kind of creature that he was fighting or something.
Key I like them both but I like the one from KH2 better.
Tip My stratagey was to let him use a couple of his sleighs and just block them with a 0 card, and after hes used all of his good cards start attacking him.
Donald & Goofy I found Donald and Goofy more useful in KH2 because of the limits and drives, also you can better control how often they use there abilities in KH2.