Nice speech *Sora* , I think that its great that your gonna make changes, I've never actually been in the spam zone, I mostly post in KH section. But I agree with the other forum members that there really isn't much to discuss about KH these days, althought it could have been worse if they hadn't announced KH2:Final Mix +. So make the changes soon I really think these forums could be better then they are right now.
Glide. I picked Glide cause it would be cool to be able to momentalirly fly, also it could come in handy like if you have to jump off a tall building or structure could just glide down to safety.
Fav. Heartless From KH1 my favriotes are the Search Ghost and Angel Star Heartless and from KH2 its the Emerald Blues and Silver Rock Heartless.
Cool Well I to am surprised to see that Zexion's weapon is a book, but I think it suits him. Also in the second scan, the one that shows Donald and Goofy's new weapons, I think you can see a pick of a new keyblade.
yes KH just wouldn't be the same for me if it didn't have Sora in it. Althought I would like to play as Riku and King Mickey a little bit more.
Bad Voice Acting. I'm gonna have to go with the Voice acting in Port Royal, the voices for some of the characters were a little annoying.
Cool I like the boxart, its simple yet still has some depth to it, I really KH2:FM+ makes it to the states.
V-Day I actually have planned on telling this girl I have a crush on how I feel about her on valentine's day. It seems like a good day to tell her.
Twilight I'd prefer the Twilight zone, between light and darkness so I could use them both kinda of like Riku in KH:COM. But if I had to pick one i'd go with Light.
TT I love this show It really sucks that they cancelled it, I've always wondered why though I mean the show was doing great and if you see the last episode it was clear that they were planning a sixth season.
Saint Seiya The worst dub i've ever seen is the one for Saint Seiya(aka Knights of the Zodiac), the anime is cool, but in the dub the voice acting was bad and they made a lot of editing. Also the One Piece dub is pertty bad.
Scan I wonder what the new map in Radiant Gardens will have, also that white place remindes me of castle oblivion maybe that'll be were the COM organization member fights will take place. I hope they can get the other scan back.
Cats I like both cats and dogs, but I prefer cats since there usually easier to handle because of there size and laid back nature.
KH2 Final Mix+ Sora's new form looks interesting can't wait to see what it does, I also can't wait for the COM oraganization members boss fights. I also wonder if maybe there will be any other new drive forms besides limit form.
Video FF13 looks cool, I hope someone recorded the KH2:FM+ video and puts it up online.
Ideas It would be cool if they did use ideas from the forums, but it could cause problems for them. Like some people might sue them for stealing their idea or something like that.
Chaser Well since Nomura said that the main chaser is not Sora or Roxas, yet that chaser looks similar to Sora, i've come to a three conclusions. 1. Nomura is lying in order to throw us off the trail. 2. That chaser is somehow related to Sora, his father or some kinda of ancestor perhaps. 3. The character just looks like Sora and has no realtion to him.
Riku Spinoff I've always liked the idea of Riku having a spinoff game, and I hope they do make one someday.
KH Beta I agree about the faces they look weird, and Donald and Goofy's clothes are different. Also the Graphics don't look as nice as the the final version. One cool thing is the way Blizzard was gonna look like when you used it.