Org battles I've seen some videos and the battles look really hard. What do lost visions do is it some kind of item or accesory.
Thats funny, I can picture Nomura throwing his controller from the frustration of not being able to beat his own creation. The secret ending was awsome can't wait for the version with all the sound effects. I wonder who that old man really is, he seems really powerful. Mickey looks cool at the end, but why is he holding the Star Seeker? Can't wait for Nomura to offically announce the next game.
Vids I liked the intro to RE:COM brought back so many memories, I also like the battle with Axel the combat looks fun.
Critical mode sounds harder then I expected, I'm still gonna play the game on critical mode anyway. I really hope KH2FM+ comes out here in the U.S.
Info KH2FM keeps getting better with every bit of information they realse. I wonder what you get in COM for beating KH2 first. Also I wonder if the E.S. is really as hard as Nomura makes him sound?
My Age Well i'm 19, i'll be turning 20 in December.
Potc 3 I can't wait for the movie to come out, it looks like its gonna be awsome.
Boss For me the hardest battles were Demyx, Xaladin, and Sephiroth. The easiest for me were Luxord and Sark.
Scans Cool scans, I really hope KH2FM+ comes to the states I really wanna play RE:COM and fight that knight in KH2.:D
Cool. I really hope they realse KH2FM+ here in the states, if they do I plan to play it on critical mode.
Now i'm sure some of you have you already seen this scan, but I wanna clear up that its fake, in case you didn't know. Its yet another one of EGM's infamous April Fools joke, that been said heres the scan. Even though its fake it does bring up an interesting Idea, having Nintendo characters appear in KH. I personally can imagine having Mario or Link in your party, I've heard people say that it would be akward or that Nintendo is too kidde, but isn't that what people said about KH when it was first announced and honestly is Nintendo more kidde then Disney. Although it will probaly never happen I think it would be interesting to have Nintendo characters in KH, what do you guys think?
Which of the three mushroom heartless that appear in the first KH was your favorite? Mine were the Rare Truffle I really liked there color scheme and it was interesting figuring out how to beat them.
got one. Heres one I learned from a comedian. "Baby my love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't keep it in." You'd probaly get rejected if you try that one.
Doubt it I really doubt that the any of the org members will comeback in the next game, althought I would like to see it happen. The only ones that might are Roxas, Xigbar, and Xemnas. They might also appear in flashbacks, but we'll just have to wait and see.
FFvs13 I always suspected Nomura probaly wasn't gonna start working on KH3 until he finished FFvs13. Oh well I guess we'll have to wait a while to play the next KH game.
Cool I'd already seen most of the scans they look, the book looks cool its too bad its not avalible here.
Cool That was an interesting video, I wonder if you could download that game or something. If so I wonder what other fights you could make?
Kh3 I agree with VideoGameNerd246, I think Sora and Kairi should finally kiss in the next KH game. Also I wouldn't mine seeing one or several of the org. members make a comeback, maybe now working indepently or something like that.
Destiny Island I'd like to live on the Destiny Islands, it seems like a peaceful and simple place. Plus the weather looks nice and I could go to the beach whenever I felt like it.
Awsome This trailer just makes want the game even more, I really hope they realize it here in the U.S., I really wanna use Limit Form and battle the COM members.:D