Well it could Magnetism, sound, metal, darkness, or who knows maybe Nomura will surprise us with something we never thought of.
I liked the fact they made RE:COM a little more darker, it makes the game a little more serious and interesting.
I've heard stories of ghost encounters from people who I trust, but I myself have never had an experience with a ghost. So i'm not really sure what to believe, theres no concrete proof for or against them.
Cool sketch, it would have been cool if that had been Marluxia's final form in the game.
Top Ten Anime: Saint Seiya Digimon Sailor Moon G Gundam Ronin Warriors Dragon Ball Z Magical Knight Rayearth Naruto One Piece Ranma 1/2
It might have a similar design to that of a keyblade, but its not an actual keyblade.
Its short, but at least we got see a little bit of gameplay. cool vid Xaladin.
Well i'm really curious as to who the 14th member is and what role she will play in the game. i'm also excited about the multiplayer.
Well I think the fact Ven and Roxas look alike so much has to do with the storyline. I think Terra's pants look funny and sorta make him look like he's going disco dancing, although I think his shoulder pad looks cool.
Well I can't wait for these games to come out, I'm interested in Birth By Sleep the most, mainly because of the story. I really hope the multiplayer in 358/2 is net based, it would be cool to play with KH fans from all over the place.
I've seen that glitch before, I've actually never had any problems with glitches except that one time, a Dusk got stuck in mid air and just kept spining.
Well aside from infants, I don't think anyone is truly innocent. We all makes mistakes in life.
Thats some cool merchendise, I especially like the Sora T-shirt.
Hottest: Tifa, Lightning, and Yuna. Cuttest: Yuffie and Rikku.
I've had Deja Vu, it really creeps me out sometimes. I've never seen spirits, or at least I don't think I have.
FFVII a killer game, give a break. I'm sick and tired of games being labeled as a bad influnce especially games that aren't even that violent. What are they gonna lable Mario a killer game just because a criminal calls himself Mario and happned to play the game.
Heres a Mitt Romney campaing add that sorta bashes video games and other media. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFyDWjATbok&eurl=http://www.gamepolitics.com/
I haven't seen these yet, i'll look for them next time I go to a store. I never thought they would make a KH fruit snack, whats next a KH cereal with Keyblade shaped marshmellows? I wonder if Nomura had any say in this, I mean even he admitted that Disney owns the characters and can do things with them without his consent or opion.
As a gamer I really don't like how anti-gaming things have been here in America lately. I mean you have all these anti-gaming politians and there legeslations, gamers been labeled as anti-social and violent, and then theres Jack Thompson and his lawsuits. It really bugs me that video games and gamers aren't respected by the mainstream, I really hope things change on day and video games are viewed as a legitament form of media and entertainment.
That could've been Xemans's final form in KH2 wish they had kept it in the game. It could've been one of the best final bosses ever.