I'm 15. I watched Harry Potter 5 on my B-Day ^.^
24871 I need a sig and avy but idk what it should be about >.>
I say Aqua 'cause.. it would be nice to play as a girl for a change.
I start on September 16th :D For once in my life, I start after my bros.
I didn't get very far on KH1 cuz the PS2 fell and the game broke due to a couple of really annoying brothers. Plus it wasn't even mine >.< Although I would say that KH1 was a bit harder.
Um.. can I join? I'm new but CTR was nice to me and she gave me a cookie :3
Ooh Turkey! I've always wanted to go there since my dad and bro went there.. And they didn't take me... Anyways, have fun!
I think it's good =] I would, though, considering I the fact that I know nothing about these things. Still waiting for Dad to get me Photoshop :3
Jack Sparrow 'cause he's a pirate and he's funny :3
*throws confetti and rice and money and Hershey's Kisses* Have fun everyone! I'm just watching.
I thought the first was OK.. Haven't seen the second, though. ZOMG! It's a human eating zombie!! O.O *screams bloody murder* ..... Oh wait.. It's just Troy..
Destiny and choice are sort of related because one's destiny can only be controlled by that person. And, as mentioned before, a person's fate can't be predicted because no one can tell what choices that person will take in life.
xD Nah, I'm just acting emo. Just trying it out.. 24768
24764 Aw, bummer.. See? Now I'm officially a dork 'cause I mis-spelled 'cries'! I need to edit that.. Thanks for the cookie, Catch the Rain! Made me feel a whole lot better :3
24761 *cries* I'm a dork...
Mmm.. Olives are yummy! Especially the green ones 'cause they're sourer. And they're cold. Cold, refridgerated olives are the best :3
Hi ppl of kh-vids! It's an honor to be a member in KH-Vids.net! Well, hope I make some friends here :D
24729 gtg clean my room..
Aw.. you fell down -and up- the stairs.. Ouch. I'm gonna be a sophomore this year too! Although it's my first year in high school..
24688 hi =D