His name stands for "Music Is My Savior" (M.I.M.S). And i think the song straight up sucks. But really people, just becasue one rap song is garbage doesn't mean the rest are. And the rihanna song isn't all that bad.
Finishing up teh game. I'm near the ghost station. Oh and also keep in mind that this is my only run through the game.
21,350 for me. That game gets so repetitive now. When i was small i used to play it for hours.
Question. If we run out of ammo, and use the wrench, is that an immediate disqualification? P.S. i'll try to video it, its gona be with a cell phone so the quality is gonna be horrible. Also I'll try to put it up by the end of this month.
I think Justin is a good artist (by that i mean singer) he has produced many hit singles from his new album. I don't know why poeple don'tlike him though.
BowChikaBowWow oh right weaksauce shmex Holy frak 1337 eh i cant remember anymore
how does a bullet get lodged up in your head, and live afterwards?
lmfao it took me 2 tries to beat Ace in extreminator. Hell, just beating the giant dudes with the sticks took me a couple of tries. I'll try to do it, But I predict I'll be to lazy and make believe i never read this topic.
well i kept on getting some PM from some dude named s dog or something like that. He kept on asking me questions about the site and it freaked me out. Anyways its probably people from youtube coming here to tell you that cheating sucks. Who knows? anyway yeah i don't blame ya, i used to ge like 15 pm's in a day from people i don't even know. It could easily piss anyone off.
Mine used to be .:Sora:.
Hmm. Yes, yes I am. Porcelain dolls also. So i pretty much agree with ロクサス
My real name means army leader/army ruler...shveet.
Ninja Gaiden, or halo on Legendary. Its ridiculous.
i almost ate a fence playing football. I set a paper plate on fire. I set Bounty on fire. I melted a knife. Soaked my self in water with a hose. I ran into a street sign. I tackled a girl ( by accident of course) xD I ripped my pants when i fell into the dirt. I could actually write more but I'm way too lazy. Oh and this happenned in the last 3 days.
I live in New Jersey, so all we get is half of what NY gets.
Woman - Wolfmother. The guitar here ownz man.
Sweet Child o'Mine - Guns n Roses. this song is the shizz people.
Wow man nice to have you back. I haven't been active for a while but yeah, i remember most of em , the GRAW one is kewl. by the way your current is shmex.
I crack my knucles. Bite my nails. And when I wake p in the middle of the night i can't go back to sleep for some reason..or at least it takes me a good hour to do so. I might have more that i don't realize.
please return me those 15 wasted seconds of my life lolz.