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  1. Big C
    That doesn't make any sense. If there is a being more powerful than God, then that being is really God, huh? God is the most powerful being in the universe. So if there is a being more powerful than being X, then being X is not God.
    Post by: Big C, Oct 8, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  2. Big C
    Man, I need to start checking my resources. I got some bad info, and I owe you all an apology. I made an *** of myself in a big way, sorry.

    But I still don't think the PS3 is worth the money.

    I didn't make it up. I read it on another message board. A guy (who is usually accurate, let me down here though) read it on some site, and he just misinterpreted the article. I feel dumb for saying it though (probably because I am).

    I got the launch list from the same place, but it was a pretty old topic. I was just too lazy to see if the list had been updated since then.

    Again, sorry. I feel bad, and stupid.
    Post by: Big C, Oct 7, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  3. Big C
    Wait, wait, there's still people that are not only willing, but LOOKING FORWARD to shelling out 600 bucks for a console and 70-90 bucks a game for stuff they could easily get on 360 (notice that PS3 keeps losing exclusivity on more and more titles? it's no coincidence)? I thought such people were just a myth. The PS3 will suck. But hey, just remember, PS3 purchasers will have RIDGE RACER! AND GIANT ENEMY CRABS! NEW REALISTIC GAMEPLAY METHODS! LIKE STRIKING WEAKSPOTS FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE AND SWITCHING WEAPONS IN REAL TIME! NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE!

    Okay, sorry, just had to get that out. Now as for KH3, to quote "We don't want PlayStation 3 to be the overwhelming loser, so we want to support them," says Michihiro Sasaki, senior VP of Square Enix. "But we don't want them to be the overwhelming winner either, so we can't support them too much...Final Fantasy XIII is already promised to the PS3, however we do not yet know what we are doing with kingdom all likelihood it will not appear on the PS3." My bets, especially with nomura's hint earlier this year about using the wiimote as a keyblade is that the wii will get KH and I also believe that FF13 may end up being multiplatform instead of PS3 exclusive, which it never was confirmed to be, it has just only been announced for the far...

    Now let's take a look at the PS3 launch list, shall we?
    * Genji 2
    * Gundam: Target in Sight
    * Mahjong Fight Club
    * Resistance: Fall of Man (America Only)
    * Ridge Racer 7
    * Sega Golf Club

    There is absolutely no reason to buy a PS3 at launch, and there are less and less reasons to buy a PS3 at all every day.


    Also, DMC4 is coming to X-Box 360, so you don't need a PS3 to play that.

    I'll buy a Wii and have endless fun with Twilight Princess, Wii Sports, and SSBB. PS3 fans can have fun with Ridge Racer 7.
    Post by: Big C, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  4. Big C
    I wouldn't mind seeing a woman president, provided that it is NOT Hillary Clinton. Bill was great, but Hillary is a menace. If you like video games, you should be against Hillary Clinton.

    But a different woman would be fine. Jennifer Granholm (governor of Michigan, the state in which I reside) has done alright, better than John Englar (previous governor of Michigan). So I don't think it makes much of a difference.
    Post by: Big C, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  5. Big C
    Anyone played Radiata Stories? It's one of my favorite games. A little dissapointing in parts, but a overall worthwhile and very entertaining experience with quite a lot of replay value, in my opinion.

    Discuss. I've you've played, what your favorite part was, etc.
    Thread by: Big C, Oct 6, 2006, 9 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Big C
    This thread is crazy. Let me just address a few things I noticed while reading through it.

    Firstly, there is tons of people stating their own personal beliefs and opinions as fact, which is a pet peeve of mine.

    Second, evil does exist. Someone can do something evil, and think that it isn't evil. But just because they think it isn't evil doesn't mean it isn't. Thinking that you are right is not the same thing as being right. But as long as there are complete opposite actions (ie. killing someone vs. not killing someone), one will be good and one will be evil. Now I suppose you could argue that the accepted evil and the accepted good are really the opposite, but then there is still an evil and still a good.

    But as has been condescendingly stated before in this thread, "please keep it intel". Mumbling something about people not believing themselves to be evil and therefore evil not existing is not "intel". I could say that I'm not a human being. If I truly believed it, it wouldn't make me some other species. I'd still be a human being. Believing something doesn't make it true.

    Okay, now, provided we can agree that evil DOES in fact exist, we can move on to whether or not Satan is evil. I am a Christian and I believe that the Satan of Christianity is evil. If you are not a Christian or you do not believe in Satan as he is described in the Bible, then we are most likely not going to agree. That doesn't make either opinion invalid, and I was slightly annoyed by this:
    "Explain please. I don't want 'he's evil 'cause I'm christian' I want 'he's evil because...' With some sort of proof and reasonable data showing me you KNOW he is evil. If not, then I find that response to be very childish...=\"

    First of all, none of us can conclusively KNOW that Satan is evil, because none of us can prove the existence of Satan. The only data I could ever possibly present is the percieved evil actions of humanity, and my own (Christian) belief that Satan is the underlying cause of those actions. My opinion that Satan is evil is based on my belief in Christianity. Much like my belief in the very existence of Satan is based on the belief that he exists at all. If I was an athiest, I would not believe in God or Satan, and arguing the merits of Satan would be pointless.

    So the reason I believe Satan is evil is because the Bible says as much. Specifically, his actions in the Garden of Eden and his betrayal of God speak to his evilness. Tempting the first humans, and perpetuating sin throughout the history of humanity are actions that are definitively evil. Anyone who knowingly, purposefully, and repeatedly commits such evil should certainly be labelled as an evil being.
    Post by: Big C, Oct 6, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  7. Big C
    I love that.
    Post by: Big C, Oct 3, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Big C
    Yes, I do believe Satan is evil, being that I am a Christian.

    But I don't believe Satan is the creator of sin or hate. I believe only God has the power to create. However, I do believe Satan introduced these evils to humanity in the garden of Eden and has been perpetuating them ever since.

    And yes, I do believe that by definition Hell is an incredibly unpleasant place to be, to put it mildly. But your take on the issue is interesting.
    Post by: Big C, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  9. Big C
    I voted no. Not because I didn't like it, but because I would've preferred a hack-n-slash system. I was kinda hoping that the 3d Chain of Memories would go back to the regular combat. But looks like there's gonna be cards in there.
    Post by: Big C, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Big C
    I enjoyed both about equally I would say.
    Post by: Big C, Oct 1, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX