link hey!!! l ink ran at him knife in his teeth and tackled the man
link heard the noise and grabbed his knife from under his bed and jumped out the window and ran to the plaza where lexi was link: let he go and link held his knife up
link was dreaming baout his horse
link finished the book put it back and went to his dorm and slept
link pulled out a book called monster blood tatoo and started toi read sitting in a chair
link stood there then his legs buckled and he muttered ow and got up and went to library where he wanted to stay rest of the day
link got up and went to windoqw and opened it and jumped outy landing on ground.
link heard the halo 3 being played and played the song from halo on his ocarina and sat up and started to watch elloit play link: wow... your good
link went to his dorm and pulled out his ocarina and unpacked his clothes putting them under his bed. annd put his mp3 player away and played songs on his oarina, and he layed there closing his eyes still playing falling asleep with his ocarina in
link gets through the door pulls out his mp3 player and starts walking toward the office listening to riot smiling
link looks back and just nods his head and walked over to him. my name is link. and he left
interesting Name: link Age:16 Gender: m Appearance:blond hair, tall brown boots green shirt Bio: he is quiet but is a jurk in a way he wont talk unless he likes the girl or is friends Personality quiet.. ...
you ignolage my power!!! lol kk link heard the bell ring and told his horse to go home and he ran to school back pack on one shoulder and his forms in other he walked in front doors and went to office
Namelink Age:13 Grade:10 Gender:Male IQ:170 Appearence: blond hair, blue eyes, reen tunic, brown boots. tall Favorite color:green Vehicle:he rides a horse to school Bio: he loves animals and he is quiet and dosent talk much unless he likes the person or is friends with him/her and he climvbs trees, loves to read and occasnoly with smile for no reason and dosent show how smart he , he basicly loves a challenge and starategy games
intersting and he walked out of the shadows shielding his face OOC- recap lolza
me canza i beeza in with lelouch fromza code gease anda ben from ben 10 alien force and if possible one last person saskue from naruto
hmmm i shall stay and listen
lol kk OOC- link was hiding ion the shadows listing to them talk about the carnival right i almost forgot about it link thouhgt to him self
hello am i in er what.......
Name:Link Age:18 Race:vampire Clan\Bloodline:aodh Weapon: his blood Pic:no pic just description short blond hair, tall, blue eyes Personality:nice but wquiet and his nice with younger vamps History:he has secretly been incontact with humans and not slain them Played by:sora117