Username:sora117 Name:link Gender:m Age:15 Apearence/Picture: tall, skinny,blond long hair green shirt and blue jeans Bio:... History:comes from a land called hyrulr and is none there Fears: evil, and losing his friends Anything else?: he is shy
OOC-recap please?
Played by:sora117 Name:link Age:14 Gender:m Keyblade: masterblade,geaseblade,darknblade Favorite Color:black Appearance:blond hair tall brown boots green tunic Bio: he is often confused and carries swords to fight
uh i new and alexis almost got kiddy napped and i broke my ocarina but i fixededededed it
link stretched and walked through the door and walked to the water fountain and got a drink and ran out side grabbed his ocarina and started playing it wehile he walked into the school and while he walked down the hallway
link heard alexis walking by and he said: hey
link heard a car close by but ignored it
finally lol what about alaric lolza BIC- link could hear irds chirping but stayed on his bench he was tired so he just rolled over facing the school entrance
link layed on his abck his hands over his occarina on his chest dreaming dreams about his homeland of hyrule
ima sleep on ze bench so the students seeza meza lolza link hummed a song on his ocarina whilehe slept.
link would tryand get to classes tomarow OOC- whyen is tommarpow gonna be
link climbe out the window and went to the palza there was more light there and link put his ocarina together and it looked liek knew e layed on the bench and played the ocarina playing his favorite song it was calledsong of time.
OOC be on l8ter
OOC- i not angry BIc- link couldnt sleep
link turned around and rode back to the school and climbed to his room and went back to sleep
link slowly lowered his hand and pulled his hood up and walked down into the town when he walked 5 footsteps away he whistled and his horse ran beside him, he climbed on and e rode into town
link wiped hios eyes and sat down and started to form the pieces of the ocarina together he had them connected and he dis assembled it agin put it in his pocket and walked to alaric and took his hand out
linkdidnt go to his dorm he walked passed alexis and walked to a tree and leaned his head aginst it. he turned his head eyes bloodshoot. sure no problem. he felt his face get hot and he quickly turned his head away in the reflectin of a piece of ocarina he was blushing
link dropped his ocarina and it broke into pieces link slumped his shoulders an picked it up in his hands and a tear went down his right cheek
link just walked away and started playing his ocarina making it hum, link stopped anddcked and hit the guy in the stomach and kneeded him in the balls