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  1. sora117
    Profile Post

    hey man me waz up

    hey man me waz up
    Profile Post by sora117 for Wacko, Apr 28, 2009
  2. sora117
    RIyu saw the cold look in ehr eyes but didnt feel intimitaded cause of his wolf origin but got the look she didnt like him and thought he might try and hang with her sister see if she wanted to be friends
    Post by: sora117, Apr 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. sora117
    RIyu thought about asking one of the twin sisters a out seeing as he knew notthing about them thought it would be pointless and thought they wopuld laugh at him so he stood from inside the door way thinking this and watched them walk in and started so say something but stoped
    Post by: sora117, Apr 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. sora117
    so i edited am i in?.?
    Post by: sora117, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. sora117
    Human or Elf:elf
    Appearance:tall with white hair and blue eyes and he usualy wears a green tunic with darkbrown legs and brown boots with white gloves cut off at knuckles and he looks as if ihe is 14
    Main Class:archery
    Secondary class:mage
    Peaceful or fighting:fighting
    Other: a young warrior for fighting with elves he has a younger sister who he has to care for

    Human or Elf:elf
    Appearance:about 4'3 short for her age and she usualy wears dark green outfits and glowves cut off at knuckles also she looks like she is around 13 tohugh
    Weapon:a small bow she has hidden
    Main Class:archery
    Secondary class:none
    Peaceful or fighting:fighitng
    Other:she like her brother is a oyung fighter but she is working on mastering archery like her brother RIyu
    Post by: sora117, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. sora117
    Riyu walked up to Ariel and stod there and thought he saw one of the twin girls and wandered who it was
    Post by: sora117, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. sora117
    Riyu laughed and ran ahead back to his first hour class and sat back in his seat trying to avoid the glare from his sister standing in the door way
    Post by: sora117, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. sora117
    Riyu stood there looking confused and looked at rebbeca trying to see what she was thinking
    Post by: sora117, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. sora117
    RIyu heard REbbeca yelling and was curious so he did his best to sneak up and stand a bit behind GRey and listen in
    Post by: sora117, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. sora117
    Riyu saw one of the vampire sisters and walked up to her and wondered what to say "think RIyu what to say!"
    Post by: sora117, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. sora117
    RIyu wen to the cafeteria and smelled something
    Post by: sora117, Apr 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. sora117
    Riyu just stood up and walked to the doo"excuse me" he said to GRey and he walked out the door to the end of the hall
    Post by: sora117, Apr 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. sora117
    " Ok then wish i could do magic."
    Post by: sora117, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. sora117
    Ariel and RIyu just stared at the doorway Riyus hair getting frizzy and Ariel looked at them then riyu and gave him a dirty look.
    Post by: sora117, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. sora117
    Riyu slowly sat in his chair .

    Ariel turned to Seth sorry bout my bro he can be a jerk and Ariel turned and went to the front of the class
    Post by: sora117, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. sora117
    Riyu! yeled a tall girl from behind Riyu.

    Riyu Jumped up and growled at her.

    ariel that wasnt ncie!
    Post by: sora117, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. sora117
    AWESOMEhissed RIyui can only do few thingsriyu slowly closed his eys and sort of concetrated and opened his eyes and they looked like a wolfs completely and his claws were longer and one canine fang grew and his hair sorta stood upits not much but it helps me even outa fight and he changed back
    Post by: sora117, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. sora117
    Riyus face lightened up sweet what spells can you do now. oh yea by the way if i start to annoy you just tell me i shall shut up if im annoying you
    Post by: sora117, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. sora117
    Race: part wolf
    Personality: the rash type not afgraid to speak her mind or hit somebody
    Bio: she has a younger brother named riyu who she is always beating on and like ehr brother she is part wolf but more " mature" gravity
    Appearance:tall 5'7 long red hair to her back and green eyes she dosent have the wolf eyes less she changess. wolf app: greyish reddish hair red wolf eyes and her nails and fangs get longer
    Power: wolf

    Weapon: her self
    Other:not much
    Preview Post:as Ariel sat down she saw riyu chewing on a pencil making some slobbery noise she sighed and threw her math book at him hitting him in the back of the head making a really loud "THUD" causing riyu to faceplant the desk cursing silently
    Post by: sora117, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. sora117
    Riyu nodded his head and asked advanced or basic just curious i wont make fun if it is basic.... i cant even do magic and he scratched behind his ear and opened his eyes a bit showing off the wolf pupil
    Post by: sora117, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home