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  1. sora117

    The Hunted

    do you guys need me to come and frowned
    Post by: sora117, Sep 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. sora117

    The Hunted

    Atrium resumed her sad face and started to string her bbow and notched an arrow and kept pace.
    Post by: sora117, Sep 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. sora117

    The Hunted

    Atrium Smiled and jumped down out of the tree and started walking next to burst smiling.were off to see TITAN woot.
    Post by: sora117, Sep 8, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. sora117

    The Hunted

    Atrium gave burst a death look and quetly but agrily stated:this isnt one of those swords you amde me that break as if it were made of unfinished clay this was my fathers sword she hooked the sheath to her hip hooked her bo with quiver on back adn using her extened speed quickly stepped to burst side whispered into his earill be over there if you need me and jumped exstensively high into the air into a tree half amile away andclosed her eyes
    Post by: sora117, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. sora117

    The Hunted

    Atrium gave a little sigh and threw her sword into the sky stood up held her sheath out looked at the sky then smiled at every one and the sword flew into the sheath and she hooked it to ehr side and pulled out a book

    oc- i gota go soon prob be back on tommarow
    Post by: sora117, Sep 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. sora117

    The Hunted

    Atium turned her head and saw kaya hey kaya i um...uh i heard you got promoted im happy for you atium gave another weak smile and she unsheathed he sword running her fingers across the blades edges gently
    Post by: sora117, Sep 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. sora117

    The Hunted

    Atrium ust stared at birst with a wierd look. she closed her eyes and gave a weak smile hey burst its ok i wont you kill not yet and she sat infront of him with a weak smile
    Post by: sora117, Sep 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. sora117

    The Hunted

    Atrium jumped and pulled the sword a fraction of the way out of her sheath staring at the window then realised it was burstt...sighed and got up put it away and waved to him and walked over
    Post by: sora117, Sep 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. sora117

    The Hunted

    atrium was sitting and she looked up adn saw kaya what the?
    Post by: sora117, Sep 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. sora117

    The Hunted

    Atrium was sitting underneath a tree outside a building with her sowrd next to her and bow in lap reading a book
    Post by: sora117, Sep 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. sora117

    The Hunted

    Name- atrium-atrium
    Apperance-16- she is about 5-5 and has a miniskirt( but not the kinky ones just a red and black plad skirt that goes up to like thigh) black arm sleeves that go from the hand to elboes and only on left hand a glove on the right red hari that goes to knees and pale

    Powersuper speed flight telekenesis
    Cap Bio- jumping around and hyper, but after caught she made no friends and kept to her self
    Relo Bio- very sensetive and easily cries she was taken from family and wont talk to anybody by her self she likes to sit in the shade avoiding using her powers reading a book with her sword sheathed at her side and bow and arrows
    Other- has a sheeathed sword and bow and arrows

    Post by: sora117, Sep 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. sora117
    Username- sora117
    Name (full)- azazel,chernobog( dosent refer to last name often)
    Powers (if any)- magic
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)(neutral but will side if inbetween battle with strongest person)
    Weapon (if any)- a sword with a sheath but the swords handle is golden and the blade is blood red and he carries a bow and aroow on back
    Appearance- he is a medium tall shade with white skin and blood red hair and redish eyes he wears a black cloak and black boots but underneath it he wears a slevles black tanktop and black pants for battle and he carries his sword under the clock sheathed and bow on his back.
    Background he dosent really understand how he came to be he woke up on night dring twighlight and stood up and found a sword sheathed and bow and arrow equipped to him he saw he was in a rotting forest confused but also ergaged he started walking

    pezz is the greatest
    Post by: sora117, Aug 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. sora117
    Profile Post

    link plz =) buddy

    link plz =) buddy
    Profile Post by sora117 for jettie, May 4, 2009
  14. sora117
  15. sora117
  16. sora117
  17. sora117
    Profile Post

    lol i dunno

    lol i dunno
    Profile Post by sora117 for Wacko, May 2, 2009
  18. sora117
  19. sora117
  20. sora117