Razael walked into the local library and sat down to start reading
Eellar!!! :)
Name:Razael Age:16 Appearance:she had long fire red hair that goes to her back. her eyes are are emerald green and she is around 5ft 6 and she wears a dark robe to hide her appearance. Weapons:she carries a set of dual swords on her back along with a yew bow and quiver. Dragon(element):lightning Bio:she started off at the age of 13 to try and train a lighting dragon for its speed and to have a partner in life since her family was killed by bandits at a young age Other:
i ahve not done this for a while but here it goes in the ancient land called vzrael. (viz-rail) the land was full of wildlife and forests the land had many different rulers through out the time slowly the human race was aware of another presence out in the forests and would keep the children in at night and not let them go into the forest. and finally one mid morning day a group of pale looking people walked out of the woods they had green eyes that always seemed to be different at a glance. there hair was bleach white and down to their shoulders. they walked out of the forest and towards the castle. the local guard surrounded them and took them into the castle to be questioned. late into the night screams echoed out of the castle and the next morning the guards had been slain all but five who had captured the people and shackled them up. they explained that five groups just like them were coming that they were the last of tier clan and that the other five clans were shape shifters like them that changed into a specific creature. the northen clan was dressed inn black war armour and had blood red eyes. the changed at night to become shades . the clan coming from the south were dressed in animal clothing and they could shapeshift into any animal they ever encountered. the clan coming from the west was a nomad clan that dressed in light leather and could change into any wild animal in the forest and the clan coming from the east were almost the same as them but their elders broke off decades ago leaving them to change at the full moon into creatures that resembled wolves but also man. and during the hunters moon and the blood moon they were at thier strongest. the clan they were from was the clan that turned into wolves not werewolves but just wolves the lived in packs they could change others into what ever species bit them into thier own kind. but since thier clan was down to the remaing five wolf shifters. so who will you join will you be a northen clan? a souther clan? a western clan? or an eastern clan? or will you be a human who willing voluntered to become on of the people? a plain wolf shifter? depending on wich clan you choose you get to powers ill explain with each description.. the northern clan user name: name: age: Gender: bio: power: ( the northern clan has the ability to manipulate mind by getting them to look into thier eyes. they can also use dark amgic to attack. or they can use the shadows to travel faster u pick two) appearance: eastern clan user name: name: age: gender: bio: power: they can during the hunter moon either get hightened sense or more speed and strength choose oine and during the blood moon they lose control and go beser gaining hightened sense and speed and strength. or the gain slightly hightenend abilities but keep control) appearance: southern clan user name: name: age: gender: Bio: power:( they can at night either have better nigth animal senses or better day time animal sense hightened) appearance: western clan user name: name: age: gender: bio: power:( sadly they have none) the people(normal wolves) user name: name: age: gender: bio: powers:( they are stronger during the full moon and have complete control. during the blood moon they go into a bloolust but gain permant slight power boost. during hunter moon all thier abilities are hightened and controlled) appearance: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- plz join and help make it wonderful (there are four positions open for the poeple until i need half shapeshifter/human ppl the people user name:sora117 name: Lucifer age: 115(looks twenty) gender: male bio: he is the leader of the people and the strongest of the people. powers: he has the bloodlust ability and the full moon. appearance: he is 6 ft tall and he has silvery hair that slowly folds down to his back. he is the only one of the people that has yellow eyes and he always carries dual blades on his back and a bow and arrow next to it. northern clan: eastern clan: southern clan: western clan:
Wazzz up!!!!!!!!
Character Name:Zero Age:17 Gender:m Class mage,rogue Weapon he has a a doulblades on each hip making one wepon together and a staff on his back Magic fire World his world is a world built of mostly ice, but deep inside the hardened ice lives the people of the planet. the planets called xeroz Build (Physique):he is about 5"7 and has black hair to his shoulders that has a mix of red to it. he had red eyes and wears a black cloack over a shirt and black jeans. Allignment (Good/Bad): he just wants to save his world Personality: he is normally quiet but when fighting will do what he must to win even joining alliances History (Optional):he wants to save his home Character Name:Zero Age:17 Gender:m Class mage,rogue Weapon he has a a doulblades on each hip making one wepon together and a staff on his back Magic fire World his world is a world built of mostly ice, but deep inside the hardened ice lives the people of the planet. the planets called xeroz Build (Physique):he is about 5"7 and has black hair to his shoulders that has a mix of red to it. he had red eyes and wears a black cloack over a shirt and black jeans. Allignment (Good/Bad): he just wants to save his world Personality: he is normally quiet but when fighting will do what he must to win even joining alliances History (Optional):
Riyu walked outside and puleld a pack of cigarets out and lit it up and took a puff
User Name:sora117 Name:razel Apperance:about 5'5 has red hair that covers his eyes a black cloak that covers his body and sunglasses that are blue his pupils are tiny and he has red eyes Bio:he has wondered out of town from a hit to the head and trying to find out who he is wepon :a set of knives he keeps in a p[ouch they are rusty but he has alot of them What frightens your charater: being in complete darkness james sunderland
OOC-soryry i didnt respond faster cp like died. had tog et another one ICriyu was walking down the hall of the academy and saw his room door and walked in and threw his stuff on his bed and started reading. he decided to walk around and opened the door and started to walk past some of the walls and sighedi Hate going to these things always nothin to do . but then Riyu saw river and waved at him
i think i heard about some one ieing on the news...zomg wth did we like do a bad job on thre thread?
fourms dead..
Name:Riyu age:16 gender: apperence:he is about 5 ft tall and 5 inches, he has icey blue eyes and brownish/blackish hair that hides his eyes most of the time his teeth are white and he wears a black tanktop with a ny other shirt ontop mostly blue jeans but not saggy orskinny just right size. he wears sandals,sneakers...ect Dorm Be ( i lvoe school rpgs)
Razel ran and turned a corner and saw the two soul reapers smiled and waved as he was waving a figure jumped over Razel at the two soul reaper gigias but another from fromt he shadows shot out andused its shoulder to knock the hallow away rayzel fell onto the ground with a sigh and stoo up and popped a pill into his mouth and his soul exited his body giving a smiling look while razrel had a grim one
Razel drew his zanpaktou facing the hallow and almost said in a silent voiceyouradisgusting creature you are..alow me to end your sufffering and he jumped into the air and swung at the hallow but the hallow dissapeared.razewel sighed and couldnt sense it's pressure anymore and put his zanpaktuo away and in the process heard a hallow laughing all around him**** he thought and drew and looked around sensing another soul reaper he ran towards it and in the same direction of his brother
Razel and rayzel were walking together towards chool and noted a hallow cry in the distance razel looked at Rayzel and sighedguess i'll go get it...stay here rayzel then razel popped a pillinto his mouth and jumped out of his body and ran towards the cry. (OOC- is this ok? and im not ognna be good either school, and crappy cp)
hey uh i have school and a crappy internet but i will do my best to get on every day i love bleach rpandwill be on from ATLEAST10 and up
Username:sora117 Character Name:razel(ruh) *Age*:16(but is really older just looks it) Gender *Appearancme*: here is a linkhttp://th06.deviantart.net/fs30/300W/f/2008/157/0/9/Emo_Guy_by_gaaraisabeast1234.jpgminus the spike necklace *Personality*:he is a lone alot and hangs with his brother, he reads more than he talks and dosent socalize easily but if there is ahallow or sparring he is serious and determined *History*:he grew up in rukon district with his brother and passed the academy with his zanpaktou *Other*:none ZanpakutÅ Name /Abilities(max 4 abilities):Azazel(angel of death) she looks in her spirit form like an angel but her wings are black and a gothy look, the bladechanges so the handle is blacking,blueish and the blade is pure black with a hint of blue he just says in a whispery voice "lead them to hell azazel" while grabbing the blade with his hand and sliding the blade down cuting his palm making the sword change the sword also looks like that of ichigos sword before he learned its name exept for the colour difference and it is a bit thinnerthe sword when he acceses his swords power it allows him to move faster,swing harder and if he grabes the swords hilt and and swings it toward his opponet it will shoot a red attack like getsuga tenshou sorta(uh-zae-zel) Division Number (or squad)/Or none: 11 *theme song*: webs we weave-escape the fate Username:sora117 Character Name:Rayzel(ray) *Age*:16 Genderm *Appearance*:http://s.bebo.com/app-image/7926080766/5411656627/PROFILE/i.quizzaz.com/img/q/u/08/03/22/-anime-guy.jpg *Personality*he hangs with his brother but he is very social always talking but like his brother when a fight comes on he gets serious *History*:hegrew up with brother *Other*:none ZanpakutÅ Name /Abilities(max 4 abilities):Chernobog(black god) he whisper "drag them and hold them in hell chernobogit his zanpaktuo is like a double edged broad sword one hald of the blade black the other red and the hilt is blackish/greyish chernobog has the ability to when stuck down into the ground rip a hole in the earth aaimed at the oponetalso in spirit form he looks like a average man wearing an all black clock with the sowrd attached to his back(chenr-oh-bog) Division Number (or squad)/Or none:11 *theme song* last resort-papa roach
i loved ocarina of time first one oi played but i dont mind t a link to the past love tp and think majoras mask is da bomb
OOC- fourm dieing cpr!