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  1. anotheraxelfangirl
    I'm just going to comment on the cutscenes because I didn't see a point in actually playing the game when I had already beaten the GBA version. That, and SWEET MERCIFUL PANDAS, the voice acting was terrible! It's probably because I had very clear images of each character's voice in my head, but that's not all. Marluxia didn't sound threatening in the slightest, Vexen had a really weird accent, Larxene sounded like she was about eight, and AXEL! Why, Quinton Flynn, why? Why were you not acting in the slightest? He's my favorite character because I like the range of emotions he shows, and in this there was nothing!

    I'm sorry for the rant. I just really could not stand the English dub. At all.
    Post by: anotheraxelfangirl, Oct 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. anotheraxelfangirl
    Despite the fact that it gave me nightmares for a month, Vexen's Japanese laugh makes me giggle like a lunatic every time I hear it because it's just so creepy! XD
    Post by: anotheraxelfangirl, Oct 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. anotheraxelfangirl
    -Nobody name: Xalic
    -Weapon: A silver staff set with amethysts
    Appearance: Five feet, two inches, malnourished for most of her human life and too thin and pale to really be pretty, stick-straight purple hair down to her knees, dark green eyes
    Accent/Catchphrase: Almost a whisper on the rare occasions where she speaks— Xalic is very quiet and her voice shows the lack of use.
    Element: Gravity (she can do bubbles like Sora’s KH1 gravity spell and hover (but she can’t fly), plus she’s telekinetic)
    Nickname: The Crushing Mage
    Personality: Xalic is sort of gloomy, and, like I said before, REALLY quiet, preferring to sit back and do as she’s told to really going after goals. In spite of the dark cloud that hangs over her, a sweeter Nobody you’ll never find than this peacemaker who prefers to talk out conflicts to fighting, which she absolutely hates and tries to find a way around whenever possible. When she does have to fight, she prefers using her gravity magic to her staff, because long-range stuff is much less personal than short, and she doesn’t feel like she’s hurt someone. She misses her past life in Notre Dame (as in, The Hunchback of… Clopin adopted her after her parents were murdered by Frollo) She’s intensely loyal to the people she loves (because she refuses to believe that no heart = no emotion), and is more than a bit of a worrywart. Following the Castle Oblivion fiasco, spends most of her time in Proof of Existence to find out who’s okay and who’s not. Once everyone starts getting wiped out and the Organization is down to her, Saix, Luxord, and Xemnas, she realizes that everything is hopeless and crushes herself to death rather than a futile fight with Sora.
    Post by: anotheraxelfangirl, Oct 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. anotheraxelfangirl
    Am I the only person around who actually kind of likes 100 Acre Wood?

    Anyway, back on topic, my least favorite world is hands down, knock down, drag out ATLANTICA. I want to smack whoever thought this whole singing thing was a good idea upside the head with a chainsaw. Not only were the songs annoying and badly sung, but I had to do Swim This Way, like, twenty times because I couldn't figure out the gauges. I almost killed myself....

    I also can't stand Space Paranoids, but that's just because A) I haven't seen Tron and it makes me feel like less of a Disney nerd, and B) the color scheme hurt my eyes. But Atlantica was ten times worse.
    Post by: anotheraxelfangirl, Oct 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. anotheraxelfangirl
    This is probably the worst reason ever to use a character, but I play as Axel just because he's my favorite and his Limit looks SO cool. I know how lame that sounds, but it's true! :sigh:
    Post by: anotheraxelfangirl, Oct 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. anotheraxelfangirl
    Maybe it's because I'm a rabid Axel fangirl (*ducks tomatoes*), but I quite like his catchphrase. Yeah, he says it more than he does in either of the previous games where he appears, but face it, we see more of him in this one, so that's to be expected, I think
    Post by: anotheraxelfangirl, Oct 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX