Even if he was mostly popular in the 70's and 80's, David Bowie has some really good songs from the 90's, too. Check out his albums "Earthling" and "Outside!"
The Hunchback of Notre Dame OMG, I love that movie so much! Frollo alone is worthy of multiple views, and when you add in the other characters (*happily ignores gargoyles and Phoebus*), the amazing music, and the beautiful animation, I fell in love so hard <333
My favorite is Giselle from Enchanted (I hope she counts!), because not only does she remind me of myself, she makes me smile every time I watch her movie ^__^
The gargoyles from the Hunchback of Notre Dame-- they're not funny, and they're not necessary! If they needed comic relief in the movie, there are plenty of book characters who would have done perfectly fine. Let Jehan in! He's awesome <3 Also, I can't stand Phoebus. This is mostly because he's a jerk in the book, but I mainly just think he's a moron... and I'm a Frollo/Esmeralda shipper :P
A: Elephant Q: Which Sith Lord did Xemnas steal his lightsabers from?
Did it not go through? My computer has an annoying habit of doing that... hang on, I'll try again
1. The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. Aladdin 3. The Emperor's New Groove 4. Lilo and Stitch 5. Enchanted
I love Hellfire (from the Hunchback of Notre Dame) so much I want to have sex with it. *swoons* Tony Jay's voice is amazing to start with, but when you factor in the emotion he puts into it and the incredible animation on both Frollo and the fire, it takes my breath away every time!
On my way!
There's only one movie that has ever made me cry in my life, and that's Edward Scissorhands. The entire last quarter of the movie makes me bawl like a baby every single time I watch it
My favorite scene in Little Shop of Horrors: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAKYQjpDtpA Steve Martin + Bill Murray = EPIC WIN! "CAAAAANDY BAR!!!"
Nice to know I'm not the only one these things happen to XD Side note-- if you ever find your DA account, give GoblinQueen023 a shout-- that's me...
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, from the Lips to Frank to the climax being a floor show... but strange isn't always a bad thing! I'm a huge RHPS fangirl now- gotta love a sweet transvestite, lol!
I saw the Johnny Depp version of Sleepy Hollow when I was 11... and it didn't scare me in the slightest. My mom was all freaking out because of the blood and gore and heads rolling all over the place, but I was perfectly fine. I was a sick, sick kid XD
That, and I totally forgot I had an account on here XD
WARNING: Fangirling ahead! Jareth, the Goblin King (Labyrinth) Okay, so he’s not really that much of a villian in that he never actually hurts the heroine, but I like how his entire character is left up to the fans. (It helps that he’s smoking hot, not to mention THOSE PANTS, but we’ll leave that aside) The Joker (The Dark Knight) It’s not often a bad guy gives me chills up my spine, but the Joker so did Judge Claude Frollo (the Hunchback of Notre Dame) I LOVE his desperation to justify everything he does, even when he’s totally losing his mind. Then there’s his song, and his voice, and his hands…. Jafar (Aladdin) Take everything I said about Frollo and copy-paste it down here. Also, that snakestaff is the coolest thing ever Dr. Frank N Furter (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) Not many men can pull off viciously chopping somebody up then eating them for dinner, or even coming off as threatening in high heels, makeup, and a corset… Darkness (Legend) Tim Curry plays Satan. Enough said.
I'm just lovely, how are you? ^__^ I can't believe I've had my account for months, and I haven't ever posted. I fail at life XD
I have several: ~ Having to do Swim This Way twenty times in a row because I couldn't figure out out the gauges *twitches* ~ THE XALDIN FIGHT. GAAAAH. ~ Spending half an hour trying to get out of a ditch in KH1 Halloween Town using ledges, only to find a staircase AFTER I got up. I was so mad at myself.... ~ The whole Seven Wonders of Twilight Town thing. Was there really a point to that?
I posted Xalic before, but I’m going to say all this again because I like her so much ^__^ Name: Xalic, the Cosmic Mage Age: 14 Gender: Female Species: Nobody Handiness: Right handed Weapon: A silver staff set with amethystes Element: Gravity Appearance: Skeletally thin and pale, short, dark green eyes, and straight purple hair down to her knees Likes: Axel, Demyx, and Celextis, seeing new places, her gypsy family, singing, and dreaming of a better life Dislikes: Frollo, Xemnas’s constant ramblings about how she can’t feel, the thought of losing her friends Personality: Xalic is incredibly quiet and shy, and opens up only around her three friends within the Organization. She’s a bit on the gloomy side and skittish around the others and any new people, but when she comes to trust someone, she will die for them if necessary. She worries constantly about her friends’ well-being, and if anything happens to one of them, she starts to go crazy. Characters Past: Xalic was born in a world called Notre Dame (based off Hunchback—hey, there are Disney worlds in KH!). Then called Cali, her parents were murdered by Frollo for harboring gypsies when she was an infant, and Clopin adopted her and raised her as his daughter. One day, Heartless attacked the Court of Miracles and took Cali’s heart. She was found by Demyx, and taken into the Organization, where she met Demyx, Axel, and Celextis and became friends with them. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end— Axel and Celextis get sent to Castle Oblivion, and once people start dying, Xalic’s mind starts to slip. Demyx is murdered, and Celextis gets her heart back and leaves the Organization, and Xalic clings to Axel as the only thing she has left. Once he dies, she realizes that every single Nobody’s life is hopeless and, like Axel, uses her own magic to end her life. And this next one isn’t actually my character, but my best friend and I are writing a fanfic together and we have joint custody over both of them, so it’s fair enough. I may have gotten a few details wrong, because, like I said, she’s not mine, but it’s not like any of you will know or really care, so here goes: Name: Celextis, the Star of Hope (sometimes called Cel by her friends) Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Nobody Handiness: Both Weapon: A pair of sais, or two Keyblades Element: The heavens Appearance: Long, choppy red hair, streaked with blonde, and turquoise eyes Likes: Being in charge, Axel, Demyx, Xalic, Cloud, and Riku Dis-likes: Getting kidnapped, not knowing who she is, Heartless, King Mickey, the entire rest of the Organization Personality: Celextis is in charge of the little group she, Xalic, Axel, and Demyx form, and no one dares contest her because she’s not afraid to blast them with meteors. Despite this confidence, Celextis is insecure about herself because she doesn’t remember anything about her life before the Organization. The memories Heartless bring to her only confuse her more. Characters Past: As a few scattered memories brought over time by Heartless show, Celextis is originally from Midgar (from Final Fantasy 7). She had a relationship with Cloud, but was lost to the darkness when Sephiroth destroyed everything. She wasn’t turned into a Heartless yet, though— her memory erased, she was sent to Destiny Islands, where she lived happily with Sora, Riku, and Kairi until the darkness came. Once with the Organization, she found that destroying Heartless gave her certain memories, and with it, small fragments of her heart. Eventually, her heart is returned to her and she has no choice but to return to Midgar, the only Organization member to actually achieve their goal.
Even though I hate these things with a burning passion, I'd want to be a Crimson Jazz. Not only do they burn stuff, but they burn stuff AFTER they die, and they're really, really, really hard to kill (or at least, I think so). So, resilience, pyromania, and the ability to leave an impression... yeah, a Crimson Jazz sounds good!